What is the point of Spiritual Practice if it does not give rise to the Heart naturally breaking open over the suffering of all creatures?
Life Adherence and the myth of personal improvement
The Way of Liberation arises from the Devotional Love Sacrifice of the body and mind in the Heart
The Human Ritual of Social Injustice
To be overcome in the Hermitage of the Heart
Satsang is Radical Understanding. And Radical Understanding is the Great Liberating Realisation
Cease trying to be a good person and become the Profound One You Are. Be the Love of Your Life.
I move now with ever more bodily absorbed tenderness in Life
An extract from Letters to a Young Renunciate
Letters to a young Renunciate
Interpretations, suspicions and demands while standing in a mind-field or The Problem with interpretations in ego-fatigue
Go beyond apparent beginnings and endings
Awakening is the Awakening of Consciousness It Self; the Lover
The only reason to engage with a Spiritual Master
Everything I am telling you is from the point of view of Happiness
I (of You and I) am Everything and Nothing in particular
Original Nature wants to be heard
The Guru laugh’s at the ego’s intercourse
Trees and Fauna are the Tangata Whenua of the Land
Free Will arises out of ego death
My Unreasonable Life is also Your Own to Live
When we realise our Natural Life Enjoyment
The Universal Practice
Real Observation will make You Profound
Allow Yourself to Hear
Spiritual Restoration as opposed to Conditional Manipulation
The Open Hands Mudra
One Hand Pointing to the Earth the Other Hand to the Sky Mudra
The Hands Above the Head Mudra