To be overcome in the Hermitage of the Heart
“To the western mind, Spiritual Practice becomes abstracted or associated with the individual self and its own particular dilemma or problems. In the western-shaped mind Spiritual Enlightenment becomes a personal or individual pursuit and possible achievement. Spiritual Practice or Spiritual Understanding becomes merely a personal or private endeavour. Something the individual wants to “work out” in order that they “get it right”.”
How often within the culture of your body/mind does your body/mind become overwhelmed with the sensation of impulsive tender beauty, so much so, that you spontaneously raise your hands joined together (the outward joining of the silent circuit of Light in the nervous system) between the mouth and the heart area of the body/mind?
How often within the social/cultural patterns of your body/mind do you become distracted by the mysterious and awesome circumstance of the body/mind itself and the natural world it is arising in?
How often in the course of your daily life is the Principle of all Life overridden by convenience? Are we really aware how much we want, even demand, the Principle of Life, the Great Way, to be altered, changed and modified in order to make It more convenient, more socially acceptable, more advantageous to our individual self?
We must understand that Spiritual Practice is governed by the laws inherent within Life and those laws cannot be changed or slightly modified to suit the needs of the individual.
Uncorrupted intuition and Love for the Transcendental Life Principle must precede and inform the motivation of Spiritual Practice. That is the entire fact and Truth of the matter. Whenever this is not the case, not the motivation, all that remains is self-deception masquerading as Spiritual Practice.
One of the chronic habits that shape the western mind/psyche is individual materialistic salvation packaged in a non-threatening to the ego comfortable spiritual practice.
To the western mind, Spiritual Practice becomes abstracted or associated with the individual self and its own particular dilemma or problems. In the western-shaped mind Spiritual Enlightenment becomes a personal or individual pursuit and possible achievement. Spiritual Practice or Spiritual Understanding becomes merely a personal or private endeavour. Something the individual wants to “work out” in order that they “get it right”.
The mind of western materialistic spiritual salvation is a mind greedy for information; a mind addicted to knowing about things and others and world for its own satisfaction, its own safety, rather than letting the mind melt into the intuition of its own Source and Being.
We are most of the time in a chronic state of reaction and tension, both in our mind and our emotions relative to our body/mind and the world we find ourselves inhabiting. Mere knowledge about this tension, this reactive limitation on our Being is not in any way Spiritual Awakening. However, yes, it is a far better form of intelligence in which to allow what must become a spontaneous Devotional Love for the Transcendental Life Principle that pervades everyone and everything.
Sadhana or Spiritual Practice is not about what one knows or achieves but what one allows her or himself to become.
Spiritual Practice or Spiritual Understanding in the first place is not about knowing in a different way or in an Enlightened way. Spiritual Awakening is not the acquisition of Enlightened knowledge.
Spiritual Practice is not an effort to produce a certain state of mind or effect or bliss or visions, nor is it an effort to love everyone.
The purpose of True Spiritual Practice Understanding is to recognize the State of Consciousness, that which is common to all states of experience whether pleasant or unpleasant.
There is no need for anyone to keep struggling at the level of “working it out” and “trying to get it right” as individuals do, that consider themselves students in Life. There is no need whatsoever if one has been Graciously Influenced by the Siddhi of Life and therefore submitted themselves into Devotional Love of and for the Great Life Giving Principle that we all abide in and Actually make our way in. It is the Very Substance and Intelligence of our Evolution and Destiny.
Without Love of the Great Divine Being we are all like empty lost words – we are here, but without the sound of Love to Inspire the words, to Inflame the words, to Clothe the words.
Dearest Beloved Hearts, listen for Your Self very deeply. You will have to listen most radically, most deeply, because you will be listening for Your Life’s own Calling and it is coming from beyond the noise of your social/cultural/religious body/mind.
I am not a call to prayer nor am I an instigator of cults or beliefs.
I am a Call to Life. I will speak for your Heart until you can hear it and obey it.