The Human Ritual of Social Injustice

It is only the human animal that has created an economy that is separate from nature. A construction made in the likeness of our own half-baked self-consciousness; a hideously unjust cultic regime increasingly violently enforced on all people by the moneyed powerful few.
And, it is within that anti-life edifice that humans have also created their own unscrupulous, dishonourable money based social justice system.

There will be no true social justice in this world until the human species practices restraint in its use of nature’s resources and lives within nature’s limits that are set by its inherently inclusive self-sustaining ecological economy.
— Sri Yanchiji

I write this after reading an article by an Auckland University Professor (a Professor of energy and resource economics) in the Herald.
The article’s thrust is: if water is scarce, then it has an economic value. The article goes on to say, water is one of our most valuable natural assets but we do not know its economic value.
The writer is referring to monetary economic value; it now has a dollar worth that we can relate to.

When any species on the earth does not know the first and only value of water – the ecological value of water – that species has become disconnected from its ecological integrity and dependence. Such a species regards all earthly resources as its own for its own sake. This kind of animal is the most dangerous animal on earth for one fundamental reason; it has violated the fundamental laws of social justice for all creatures and plants that share all the resources of the earth.

A species upon this earth that does not restrain its resource use according to the ecological production of all naturally arising goods and services (as one example, the production of water from ice to distribution by rivers and aquifers into oceans for evaporation to supply rain for all) is in the most fundamental way breaking the natural codes of social justice; social justice is not social justice unless it includes all species, animals and plants. To not include all species in social justice is a violent act, let us not be in two minds about it.

The words economy and ecology come from the Greek word for home or household, “oikos”.
Economy and ecology are, in a healthy community of any species, one and the same dynamic principle. However, we in our insatiable greed for profit have pitted them against each other. Our fabricated life-destroying economy rides roughshod over the life-giving ecological economy.

We, the human animal, have ignorantly and disgracefully separated ecology from economy in order to conveniently fit with our own self-appointed god-favoured illusionary status entitling us to exist outside of the laws of nature.

Unconstrained economic growth is only made possible by the degradation and destruction of the natural life-giving ecological economy. The market-driven economy is merely a thief, a fraudster, that converts the inclusive economy of nature into privately-owned commodities for the artificially created economy of money. The money market does not produce water – water is produced and distributed and recycled by the primary economy of nature.

Really, who do we think we are?

We are a disgraced and degraded species when we do not know the value, the real value, of the first or primary economy; the economy of ecology.
We do not speak in terms of nature’s economy; the original world economy. Our lives have become enslaved to the financial economy and its relentless destruction of the original world ecological economy.

It is only the human animal that has created an economy that is separate from nature. A construction made in the likeness of our own half-baked self-consciousness; a hideously unjust cultic regime increasingly violently enforced on all people by the moneyed powerful few.
And, it is within that anti-life edifice that humans have also created their own unscrupulous, dishonourable money based social justice system.

There will be no true social justice in this world until the human species practices restraint in its use of nature’s resources and lives within nature’s limits that are set by its inherently inclusive self-sustaining ecological economy.

Private ownership of nature’s economy and resources such as land and water and food production is the death of any real social justice for all human beings and all species who depend on the real economy of ecology.

Only by dint of our chronic egoic capacity, our private or self-conscious state of awareness, do we elevate ourselves to the position of owners and producers that have the right to privatise nature’s resources in order to convert them into commodities for the purpose of sale and profit. Land that was once communal land providing sustenance and dignity for many species including the human animal is redefined by title into private ownership. This is nothing less than government-approved acts of ecological terrorism; breaking nature down into privately-owned manageable product in order to sell for money what nature has given freely to all species.

The so-called consumer market driven economy, manipulated and engineered by a few, can only maintain itself, let alone grow, by the further confiscation of ecological resources such as land, water, trees, animals and plants into private ownership. An economic system based on and making its way on the worst acts of social injustice.

Real human dignity and true social justice arises out of the bonds formed between humans and all species who feel whole-bodily integrated with life at the level of their freely creative self-determination, based on their shared dependence on the economy of ecology.

This method of privatisation of once common ground is the germ of colonisation. Colonisation is another word or description for the human ownership of previously un-owned natural resources such as land.

The colonising germ of self-consciousness breeds the diseased perception of private ownership of natural resources for the purpose of production and profit. It is the destroyer of human health, dignity, compassion, free creativity, cooperation and true justice. We will not recover or create true social justice until we conform to the unchangeable laws of ecological justice.

Spiritual Practice, which is Love of the Principle or Laws of the Natural Force of Nature, is not merely about a change of mind within the nonsense already created by human’s interference. It is not about gaining some kind of better advantage or better opportunities or merely saving one’s own self. It is not about better fitting one for social success or improved likeability. It is not about further providing or enhancing the human individual narcissistic fascination and pursuit of his or her bodily pleasure.

It IS the Way of Life whether we like it or not.