May All Humans
“May You be overwhelmed in Love and most especially when coming into contact with another human being.
May everyone become a little more accustomed to losing his or her self-controlled face and staunchly self-protected limited egoic emotional/physical image/status.”
May all humans one day meet each other without the limited self and its self-protective priority and its need to check the other out as to whether it will be accepted, or liked, or loved and so forth before dropping the cautious cynical threatened limited self.
May there be a day when students in Life Actually become Students in Life (thus, their body/minds become infused with the emotional intelligence of the Unlimited Primal Heart Condition).
May there be a day not too far off when the Earth can feel the Life-Reciprocal relationship from humans that the Earth Gives unrelentingly to humans and all.
May there come a day, not too far off, when Students in Life actually allow their body/minds to become overwhelmed in the Siddhi of Life rather than merely saying words and telling stories and tossing the difference around and trying to act important or humanly indifferent to each other.
May there come a day when humans truly Realise that Divine Indifference does not result in human-to-human indifference.
May there come a day when students in Life cease unthinkingly wanting to impose their childhood and adolescent emotional excuse on others.
May You be overwhelmed in Love and most especially when coming into contact with another human being.
May everyone become a little more accustomed to losing his or her self-controlled face and staunchly self-protected limited egoic emotional/physical image/status.
May your psycho/physical lives never cease their inherent constant ascension that is the Force and Grace and Emotional Intelligence of Enlightenment.
May those who come to Tushita Ashram Hermitage give away their individual consciousness and, therefore, be able to give away prayers, their limited self- emotional story, their spiritual aphorisms, their ugly self-desire for status, their grim and tiresome desire for recognition, their hideously inferior-self desire to be special.
I am a Fool in Love
I am Love as a simple Human Being.
I gaze at people when they talk to me and I listen. When I speak they do not understand. They look somewhere else.