The Practice is only Active and Alive by the Spontaneous Force of Love for the Spiritual Reality
“If we are to Live in Life, we must be Converted from fundamental conditional or materialistic relatedness to fundamental Spiritual Relatedness.
We must enter into, or surrender into, Heart-Felt Love Relatedness with the Living God Condition of all, rather than the much preferred fear relatedness to the material aspect of our existence.”
The Way of Real Life Understanding arises within the whole bodily Spiritual Relatedness to this conditional world.
Tushita Ashram is a physical Sanctuary for those who have a Heart-Felt Attraction and are Sincere about entering into the Great Process of Conversion from conditional relatedness to Spiritual Relatedness.
Tushita Ashram is the School of Life. Therefore, the Ashram is the School of Life-Force or Consciousness It Self.
The “It Self” indicates the Mysterious Invisible Life-Force before any of Its modifications into the physical, the conditional.
The all-pervading Mysterious Life-Force is the same One sometimes called the Living God. Consciousness It Self is the Lord of the Universe.
That which is called Truth is Consciousness It Self – that Life-Force which pervades all phenomena, all existence. Consciousness It Self or the Living God Energy makes possible the tree, cat, mountain, moon, water, you an me. Consciousness It Self is the Guru, the Master.
The Living God or Life-Force or Consciousness It Self is the Truth Condition of every one and everything.
The Truth is not a statement about it or a philosophy about it, nor is it a ritual about it The Truth is not a dogma or a belief about it, nor is it a particular behaviour or a cultural ritual practice.
If we are to Live in Life, we must be Converted from fundamental conditional or materialistic relatedness to fundamental Spiritual Relatedness.
We must enter into, or surrender into, Heart-Felt Love Relatedness with the Living God Condition of all, rather than the much preferred fear relatedness to the material aspect of our existence.
However, Spiritual Relatedness is not a Relatedness that is appreciated; it is not the most valued Relationship at all.
It is not the Relationship an individual bases his or her worth on. The Spiritual Relationship is the conduit for Real Life Understanding to arise in the body/mind of the human being.
However, the Spiritual Relatedness is not the commonly active Human Relatedness to the world, to conditions, to the earth and Its creatures.
A psychological conditional relatedness is the fundamental relatedness people are governed or controlled by. The conditional relatedness is the much-preferred active relatedness in order for people to feel special, wanted, appreciated and important.
The Great Understanding within the Way of Life that is Transmitted by the Renunciate Consciousness is not a teaching specifically aimed at or designed to help or solve or improve the individual’s problems and so on.
It is not about the individual at all.
The Great or Radical Understanding that is Given by the Renunciate Consciousness is the Foundation for the Highest Relationship of all – the Spiritual Relationship.
The Renunciate Heart is not here to make friends in the way friendship is commonly known. The Renunciate Heart Person is here, or consents to be with people, for the sake of Awakening the Spiritual Bodily Lover.
Individuals, though, tend to think the Ashram is about him or her self.
They come to the Great Sanctuary of Consciousness It Self with a habit of “making” it about their situation, their dilemma. The individual tends to think the Renunciate’s Help or “Teaching” is specially (or should be specially) crafted for his or her particular take on life.
Until the individual spontaneously (not by strategizing) feels some emotional Love for the Living God Condition, the Spiritual Condition, the Truth Condition, he or she will “make” the Help, the Teaching, the Transmission about his or her particular self-consciousness, his or her relationship problems, her or his take on love or about social, friendship, cultural or family particularities.
The entire Way of Understanding or Life-Realisation is based in a person’s Love for the Living God Reality.
In other words, the True Spiritual Process makes Its Way in Conscious Love-Understanding, not behavioural understanding or mere intellectual understanding or problem-based understanding.
The Teaching is not a concession to or an answer or consolation for the loveless problems and difficulties that arise within the conditional emotional relatedness.
The materialistically spiritual person insists that first of all we must get the materialistic/bodily/emotional sorted out, then we will be clear and free to have Love for the Living God Reality. The Spiritual seeker wants the conditions to suit her or his emotional needs.
Humans have almost always imposed their conditional laws of relatedness on all nature and beings.
It is only humans who insist on trying to live Life back to front. Love and Gratitude for Life It Self must be the primary or fundamental thrill and contentment in the body/mind if we are to be in Peace, first of all with our self and then with others and the world.
However, the conditional is always used as a means to manipulate and control our emotions, our already guilt, our already conditional low self-worth.
Humans want the Spiritual Relationship to adapt to the conditions. We seek to get conditions right in order to be all right our self. If only the conditions or other person could adapt to our conditional happiness or love-need, we think we would be better placed, more consciously available, less defensive and have the space and time to Love the Living God Reality that is the Life of our life.
The Love of the Living God Reality cannot be separated from the Realisation of the Living God Reality – Universal Consciousness. And the Living God Reality cannot be separated from every living form. It is One in the Same.
However, without Love of, for and with the Living God Reality, the individual is bewildered, wretched, fearful, sad, alone, emotionally estranged from Life and therefore her or him self.
Just so, Spiritual Relatedness Practice is not favoured, not the preferred engagement because it is a threat to the course of our daily lives. And, changing our so-called hard-won way of thinking, gathered and put together over a lifetime, seems to provoke endless defiant demands that we are justified not to do so. We can always find an excuse not to Be Love, regardless of others or conditions.