The Natural Acculturation of a Species
“Yes, Beloved, it is time for every one to come of real age and become sober. It is time for every one to collapse crying for the loss of our Great Heart. It is time for every one, no matter what their culture or religion or nationality, to lay down their self-centered drama and discover the Sacrificial Heart that is the Life of all.”
The human species does not acculturate its own to our species as all other animals and plants do. All other animals are only ever doing this with their own species. From the time an elephant, a whale or a monkey is born, the elders are only ever acculturating the newborn through every subsequent stage of its life to the species that it belongs to. This is its entire education.
The human species does not do this. We have created another order, another means of identification we call religion or culture but, in fact, it is an indoctrination, a programming, a belief system, a made up mind idea superimposed on the nature of humanity, to suit and benefit our self-appointed separateness from nature and each other.
We do not acculturate our own species to the collective nature of humanity. Absolutely not, we acculturate the newborn of our species to another order – another form of identification. Rather than conform our human emotional intelligence to the laws of nature, we indoctrinate our own human species with separate cultural, religious and social ideals, beliefs, myths, superstitions, laws and expectations that have nothing to do with our Collective Inherent Spiritual Nature.
We are trained (it is called education) to passively conform our common human nature to a system of beliefs and ideals, entitlements and altogether aggressive individual survivalist motives put in place as a “gap filler” for what we are either unwilling, unprepared or not able to do – to acculturate ourselves to our own species.
When a member of a species is not acculturated to its own species it goes mad, it becomes insane, it becomes self-obsessed. This is true of all species. We humans, I am sure, are the only species who purposely commit suicide, who continually make war on their own species, who torture and deprive their own species and other species, who cannot recognize their own species’ common humanity because they have been indoctrinated with a separate culture. We are the only ones who purposely starve our own species to death, who have created criminals and prisons, mental institutions and death penalties.
Yes, Beloved, it is time for every one to come of real age and become sober. It is time for every one to collapse crying for the loss of our Great Heart. It is time for every one, no matter what their culture or religion or nationality, to lay down their self-centered drama and discover the Sacrificial Heart that is the Life of all.