What I Mean by No Choice
“Spiritual Practice arising out of Spiritual Love (which is the only way Spiritual Practice in everyday life can arise) is not an alternative. It is not actually an either/or choice. It only seems that way because we humans “made” what we think is the alternative; a life about ourselves!!
The apparent choice is an illusion.”
The Great Spiritual Way of Life is not an alternative; it is the Way of Life. Our Spiritual acknowledgement and obligation is not actually an either/or decision to be made. It is actually “how” or the “way” all manifestation is making its way. It is actually and factually and really the ONLY Way…..It IS Life.
It is only narcissistic humans who believe they can create a way of life, apart from Life, just for one’s self. We live in our mind, not in the natural world where all other species live. The human species has become so egomaniacally fanatical, our societies and religions have become breeding colonies for the germ of exclusivism, fanaticism, world domination politics and all manner of popularised human-centered anti-life dogmas and morals.
We have become seemingly so hermetically sealed in our own self-consciousness that we think and speak and act as if we are the producers of life and therefore have the right to decide who or what is of value, or who or what is disposable.
Spiritual Recognition and the practical application of that Recognition in everyday life is not an either/or issue. It is not, in fact, a matter of will I or won’t I? It is not a choice Life-Itself offers; it is the contrived choice of human-centredness. This self-centred approach is the most transparent example of the exclusionist logic, the separative or personal self-conscious logic of the human animal. It is the most shameless example of our self-appointed duality.
Spiritual Practice arising out of Spiritual Love (which is the only way Spiritual Practice in everyday life can arise) is not an alternative. It is not actually an either/or choice. It only seems that way because we humans “made” what we think is the alternative; a life about ourselves!!
The apparent choice is an illusion.
We can talk and theorise and speculate and meditate and say our prayers and explode the sex myth (you know…that love my body thing) until we are black and blue (dead). However, it is only location and use of our impersonal consciousness, our universal consciousness, our Spiritual Love Consciousness that compels us to inspect and enquire and love-fully surrender (the ego) into the dignity and integrity of our Spiritual Ecological place and Unity with all species in Life.
There was never any alternative for me. There never will be. There never can be.
All the natural world arises and changes and subsides within the Laws or Principle of the Great Mysterious Spirit Force that IS Life.
I am increasingly unable to devote my human energy to helping solve all the popular problems created within the human withdrawal from Life ItSelf. I have, not by ego, but by Devotional Love Surrender into the ONLY Life, realised the root cause of our chronic unhappiness; our withdrawal from the Pleasure of Life in order to indulge in nothing much more than affluently sensationalised self-comforting thumb-sucking pleasurable bodily possibilities.
We have become so Spiritually demoralised, so bereft of Love’s Dignity, that the pursuit of one’s own bodily pleasure and satisfaction has become the main event, along with its own self-deluded, self-protected, self-defended justification.
What people think or believe is their “alternative” is a self-centred, self-concerned and ultimately self-destructive illusion.
I have not come to start a cult or save myself or favour a few or start something “new” or offer an alternative to Life.
I was earth-spun from the very same threads of Light that all the natural world and universe is arising in and expanding in. I am merely held together by invisible streams of energy and, I am always here and gone continuously in the speed of Light and so it only appears I am solid and that I am something.
I am Nothing.