You are Natures Bright Charisma
“So, what do we do without being fully aware of what we do to cope? We suppress the Spiritual Being of our body/mind. We conceal and constrain Nature’s Bright Charisma (Love) for the sake of maintaining our re-active self-confinement, our re-active sense of a separate self and its business.”
Conventional Spiritual Practice has become increasingly fitted to the popular endeavour of the everyday casual approach to improving or making better the egoic-self and its wants and needs.
In any case, conventional Spiritual Practice has always been associated with an ideal of one sort or another. What is commonly accepted and often defended as Spiritual Practice is some set of beliefs and behaviours that justify and console the fearful separate or self-confined self and its need to be right.
Never before have humans existed in a time like this – we are now bombarded with every kind of so-called Spiritual Practice and downtown churches that cater for every variation or reaction of the egoic-self – the sensation of a separate self being and its need for salvation. Humans have always had the tendency to withdraw into a self-confined sense of self in reaction to this conditional world - that is true, but never before have we so blatantly commercialised so many remedial Spiritual Practices for the everyday “get ahead” busy human.
Spiritual Practice is not a new creation or contrivance of mine - it has been one and the same sacrifice of the egoic-self by all those who Awakened to the Native or True Self. However, if we are to understand and enter into Spiritual Recognition Practice of the Self and all, we must first of all have, of our own willingness, a critical insight into our everyday unconscious involvement in the psychic/physical/emotional play of the sensation of a separate self being. We must first of all see the root cause of our suffering, our dilemma, our self-doubt and fear.
In order to cope with a conditionally changing and temporary world, we withdraw our Greater sense of Being into the sense of a personal self, someone who must campaign and defend him - or herself, a someone who is either going to win or lose.
Our reaction to conditions, to this conditional temporary realm, is in the form of withdrawing into the body/mind self, a separate or self-enclosed self, for the sake of a false kind of protection. Without being conscious of what we are doing, this self-confinement, this sense of a separate-self being becomes the norm. This self becomes the one we think we are.
So, what do we do without being fully aware of what we do to cope? We suppress the Spiritual Being of our body/mind. We conceal and constrain Nature’s Bright Charisma (Love) for the sake of maintaining our re-active self-confinement, our re-active sense of a separate self and its business.
What’s more, everything in our worldly, social education/ conditioning requires the suppression of Love for the sake of maintaining a personal-self-identity and its worldly business. We are not (or very rarely) initiated into the Yoga of Life as our fundamental education. Rather, we are overwhelmingly educated, obliged and in fact bullied into self-confinement. And, to do this literally requires the suppression of Love.
We very soon lose the Divine Innocence of Life or Nature’s Bright Charisma for the shroud of self-consciousness.
Be aware - everything in the social or secular or separate self-sensation (of one’s self) is about control and suppression of Love for the sake of the ego-based business.
We are actually suffering from the suppression of Love. Whether we have, or do not have food, sex or money, it’s all the same; humans are suffering from the effects of suppression of Love.
The Way of Spiritual Practice is a development founded on the understanding and responsibility relative to the un-defendable insight in relation to the root cause of our suffering, our dilemma, our self-doubt and loss of innate Self. What is the root cause of our suffering? The loss of our True Heart Self? Or, in other words, the suppression of Love.
Here we are not considering the word Love as it is commonly used in everyday life. We are not talking about whether you love someone or are loved or how you love this or that.
Love is the Un-conditional Spirit-Force or Energy of the body/mind. When the body/mind Being is freed from the burden of the personal-self-identity, it experiences the Flush of Inherent Spirit-Force or Nature’s Bright Charisma. In other words, the body/mind is in Love.
To only know one’s self as the personality and characteristics of the body/mind is to be aware of one’s self as a limitation within the confines of the body/mind; it is this limited Self-awareness that creates the constant underlying longing or seeking for consolation and/or ever more perfection of the separate self.
In other words, looking for our worth in the world, looking for approval from others, is the result of the suppression of Love and only further reinforces and maintains the suppression of Love.
The re-active ego-contraction or withdrawal into the separate-self sensation tends to remain and be activated in the midst of all our experience and knowledge. In other words, we tend to suppress Nature’s Bright Charisma or Un-conditional Spiritual-Self-Energy for the sake of obliging and maintaining the separate-self-image idea we have of our self. Expressed in another way, in order to maintain the worldly re-active limited sense of self, we actually disallow the body to feel and enjoy the spontaneous (un-conditional) freshness and radiance of Nature’s Bright Charisma – Love. Again, expressed in another way, this is the suppression of Love.
We withhold energy or, said in another way, the separate self-sensation takes most of our energy and attention for its own maintenance and protection. It is common then, to resort to all kinds of manipulation of the psycho/sexual/physical self for the means of either building up energy or releasing energy from the self-bind. But eventually, it is all the play of the separate self-sensation and its desire to be fulfilled.
All the common play of energy is based in and motivated by the suppression of Love. And all the time the body is aging. That’s Nature’s Great Work - aging - and Nature’s Great Work has implanted in our cells Nature’s Bright Charisma to Companion us through all the stages and ages and beyond. Do not deny the body its Inherent Nature’s Bright Charisma as it Naturally ages. Be in Love always.
Love or God the Real, or Unity Consciousness or Life It Self is not an answer to or salvation for our individual or personal self but rather, Love or God is That into which we must Gift our lives.
After all, our lives depend on the One Great Spiritual Reality that is Love or God.
The result or side-effect of the suppression of Love is the constant mood (or energy transmission to others) of not yet satisfied. Whatever it is that one thinks and feels has to be known or attained to feel fulfilled has yet to be found.
The mood and energy of not yet satisfied is the fundamental communication one transmits.
This endless search for whatever is felt as missing becomes our “way of life”. It is our ultimate self-deception. By our own doing, we suppress or deny the body/mind its Nature’s Bright Charisma, thus creating a sense of being cut-off or disconnected or not yet good enough (all the same thing) and then we set about searching for the One we have suppressed - Love. And by what means do we search for Love? We use the suppression of Love to seek Love.
On the one hand, we suppress the energy of Love in the body and on the other hand, we engage in all kinds of manipulation and exploitation of the psycho-physical being in order to generate some excitement to compensate for or console our sense of loss.
You are worth so much more to Your Self than You think, or can think. Thinking is a very limited mechanism of a limited body/mind. We do not Realise our Truth State, our True Self by thinking. Not at all. In fact, all our re-active thinking, our re-active programmes of thinking and behaving are a damn hindrance. The Way of Life, or the Way of Love is not an answer or consolation for the emotional dilemma of our existence.
There will always be difficulties in this conditional realm, there will be pain, there will be loss, there will be sadness. All the more reason (if you are still looking for reasons) to understand how we self-abuse by our own activity of the suppression of Love. It is only by the suppression of Love - by our re-active programmes of thinking, our re-active methods of knowing, our re-active tendency towards self-confinement, that we deny the body/mind its Natural Bright Charisma – Love.
You are a Human Being and Being so you will have difficulties, troubles, disappointments, hard decisions to make, unspeakable feelings and so on... In the submission of our conventional limited sensation of self into the Great Way of Love, it is not so much that we will not have all those things to deal with in this earthly domain; it is that we will have a stable foundation on which, or in which to Self-observe and process these things.
We will not retreat into our self and fall into self-sorrow (even though we will feel sorrow). We will be better "equipped" to accept the beauty and the ugliness, the profound and the profane. By that I mean not living in so much fear and doubt, but having Great Faith in the Impersonal Way of Life that we all find ourselves in, whether we like it or not.