You are already the Body of Love
“Be aware - your mind is not your consciousness. The body is the body of Consciousness; it was given by Nature. The mind was given by society/culture/religion. The body IS Enlightenment. The body is Beautiful. The body is the One Nature of all bodies. And the body is always involved in its own dissolution - no problem there. The problem is in the mind. It fears its own creation and its own demise. ”
Whatever you have been taught or coerced (same thing I guess) into believing about your self, you are bodily already and always in the Truth Condition: the Native Life-Consciousness of Existence. The body and the Native Life-Consciousness are One, and all things are in the One Native Life-Consciousness Condition. You are not anywhere else or yet to be found. Nothing needs to be added to you to Realise the True Self-Being. The True Self is NOT a search. It is a Present Realisation. A Present Realisation that needs protection, nurturing, real commitment, the strength of solitude, gratefulness, devotional remembering and the Company of Its Own - that is, others who are Truly committed to the entire Process of self-transcendence. Which, by the way, is the process of dropping the ideas and assumptions and beliefs and ideologies and all the past nonsense that are only in the mind.
Be aware - your mind is not your consciousness. The body is the body of Consciousness; it was given by Nature. The mind was given by society/culture/religion. The body IS Enlightenment. The body is Beautiful. The body is the One Nature of all bodies. And the body is always involved in its own dissolution - no problem there. The problem is in the mind. It fears its own creation and its own demise.
You are not a certain nationality or religion or culture on the basis of the body. For example, DNA does not pass on religion or nationality. Yes, colour of skin and certain bodily characteristics are associated with a culture or nationality. However, because I have a white skin and resemble in certain physical characteristics my parents, these bodily features do not make me a Catholic or a New Zealander.
You are not a communist, a Hindu, a Swiss or a Pashtun. Your mind has been formed in such a way that your mind is communist or Swiss and so on.
The body itself has no personal attachment to being Christian or Muslim or Dutch orEnglish or any other religious/cultural identification. You are not, in Truth, any of these worldly identities. However, one’s mind becomes framed in such a way that it identifies the body and other bodies either as belonging to the same group and having the same identity or having a foreign identity, not its own. Furthermore, once the group’s prescribed identity is implanted in a new member, he or she is morally expected to continue to generate a personal investment in that particular mind-set. The religious/social/cultural demand is clear - belong to the mind, live in the mind, be mind-full of who you are and renounce the body, despise the body, hide the body, suppress sexuality, do not enjoy the body.
We humans, in our bodily un-enlightenment persist in passing on to our young this bodily betrayal. In the midst of all the disastrous consequences, which are a result of our human-made divisions, our human mind-fabricated identities, we still continue with this disgraceful inter-generational transference of stupidity.
The body is the Instrument of Life and Life is Enlightened. The body is Enlightenment. The body is always involved with the Life-Motive, the One Universal Truth Condition. The body is Life’s Own. And this is the Truth for all bodies. The body, regardless of the mind, is always involved in the Life-Process and therefore naturally involved in its dissolution - no problem there. The problem, the dilemma, is in the mind - the personalised mind.
You see, the mind’s worldly created identity has taken possession of the body’s Native Life’s Consciousness and reigns there with full sovereign sway. This worldly created identity, imposed by and held in the mind, becomes one’s personal attachment and whatever your personal attachment may be, that forms the mind, which is capable of creating deceptions in understanding.
When our allegiance to the mind’s identity becomes greater than to the Truth Condition of the Bodily Being, we create deceptions around our motivations and our understanding. Our mind-imposed identity perverts the mind and it either confirms or denies things, which are not. It argues for itself, not for Life.
Our mind’s personalised point of view becomes more important than the Native Truth Condition of Existence. The worldly created identity in the mind becomes the barrier; now you cannot be True. Whatever you feel you belong to is the barrier to Love-Surrender into The Being of Life - the Force of Love. The mind’s worldly created identity becomes the restriction of the Realisation of Whole Bodily Enjoyment in Life’s Being.
Well, let us be perfectly sober about this. How does any colonizing invader keep itself in power? The way it has always been done - by perverting the language, instilling fear, introducing and enforcing different rituals and belief systems, forbidding self-enquiry – well, any kind of profound enquiry.
The worldly created mind identity implements the same scam. When it comes to Spiritual Practice, behaviour, rituals, beliefs and words become more important than the Truth. And when words and rituals and beliefs become more important than Spiritual Practice - the Practice of Unity Consciousness - then the teaching aspect becomes distorted, debased and corrupted.
The same is true when a certain thing, a certain practice, a certain technique becomes your ritual. These things become the practice, they become another distraction, a barrier to moving deeper into self-understanding and self-transcendence. In fact, when the words and the rituals and the concepts become more important, self-remembering (ever so deceptively adhering to the mind’s identity) is held in place, yet the practice is so often deceptively imparted and rehearsed as Spiritual Practice.
If one could, even for a short time, drop whatever personal opinion and investmentone had in one’s own particular religious/spiritual practice and in one’s own habits and patterns of socialising, one might begin to see that they are, for the most part, founded on an expression of a predicament - a predicament of inner unhappiness. Without being aware or fully conscious, our so-called spiritual rituals become part of our personal attachment, our personal system of identification.
For the most part, when we think we are talking about Spiritual Practice, we are in fact talking about our dilemma, our personal take on it - our resistance and confusion. Without being aware, we are confused about what’s imprinted in the mind and what’s imprinted in the Native Life-Force of the body.
I am not saying we should abandon rituals and words and engaging with each other. I am trying to show something. Whatever becomes a personal attachment, that creates deceptions around self-understanding.
Be aware that your mind is not your Consciousness. The body was given by Nature. The mind was given by society. This is the beginning of Awakening - the Awakening from the prison of the mind.
We debase and contaminate our Unique Being-ness by our getting a sense of self from the world, from those around us and their opinions of us, our functions and our knowledge – an altogether socially-concocted identity imposed by the mind.
Spiritual Practice is the Practice of transcending these worldly created identities in the mind. It is the Spiritually based Process of laying down and dissolving these mind-imprisoned identities, and that Process is a practical matter; it is not the mere thinking or knowing of the words, the theory, the rituals and behaviours.
However, you cannot drop the mind-self-identity merely with an intellectual decision made with the same mind that generates the false identity. You cannot drop that merely by saying or thinking, “Okay, I get it… I will drop it…I will do one or other spiritual practice and somehow I will be free of it… I just have to try a bit harder… ”
This is the intellect’s/mind’s self-deception and sooner or later it will be compelled to blame someone for its endless frustration and, what’s more, for never receiving any thanks from the Renunciate Master for the effort of trying.
There has to be a great motivation, a great attraction to the Truth Condition of our Bodily Existence, in order to surrender our personal investment in the mind-made identity. After all, it contains our history, our story, our worldly wounds, our worldly successes, our favourite self-sorrow excuses, our club membership documentation.
However, if one comes into the Company of a Renunciate Heart’s Liberating Force and one is sincere about one’s intentions to begin ultimate Self-Responsibility in terms of the Inherent Being Identity, then one can begin to simply observe and understand from the point of view of the Unconditional Being. One can become more the witness of one’s worldly identities, rather than being a slave to them. And when you truly no longer want to fix or put right the dilemmas of the mind-created identities, you become freer to observe and understand with a love-discipline-understanding, rather than a trying-to-get-it-right understanding.
Then you begin to feel slowly that you are dropping – you being the false or worldly identities created in the mind. But you did not drop it. What you must do is be committed to continuous contemplation of the Real, the Greater Unity Consciousness of all, both by inclination and Love-Sacrifice of the mind’s personal-self intruder. What must take place in you is a genuine attraction to understanding the Impersonal Consciousness. (Our Native Bodily Consciousness is the One Great Life Consciousness; it is the Great Impersonal Consciousness of all. The mind is not our bodily Consciousness.)
Continuous contemplation of the Spiritual Real is meditation. No rituals, no method, no techniques, no judging others – simply continuous contemplation, in the midst of our practical everyday life. It does not depend on what others are doing or saying.
This is self-forgetting (the feeling beyond the mind’s idea of self). You see, when a certain thing, a certain technique, a certain belief becomes your ritual, what then is everything else?
Well, everything else becomes a symbol of what is not the Spiritual Real. Everything else represents a division, a barrier, and an opposing point of view.
Spiritual Practice is the continuous contemplation of the Truth Condition of all. No ritual required, just a change in attitude, a remembering of the Real, the Native Life-Consciousness in everyone and everything. This is True Worship, True Devotion, True Practice, True Meditation. It is not something you try to do. It is not a try-hard endeavour. In this Way of Truth Meditation, everything becomes a symbol of your meditation rather than everything becoming a symbol of your separateness.
It is a Love Practice.
Well, this IS self-forgetting. This is self-forgetting in the Love of God the Real remembering (Your Real or Native Life Identity). It is not a mental remembering. It is a feeling remembering. It is not a mental remembering, where you look at a tree or an animal or someone and say to yourself, “The tree is the Real, the animal is the Real, she or he is the Real.” It is not that way. In True Feeling Contemplation of the Truth Condition, the object drops, the difference drops.
Participating in rituals and quoting scriptures is one thing and it is usually the preferred activity. Remembering is the hardest thing of all and not something one will do or can do merely by mentally trying. Feeling remembrance is the hardest thing because we are distracted so easily. The mind is restless; it reminds you of all the self-consoling things you could be doing, especially in our modern infantile variety of materialism. So often our own good intentions are menaced by our subservience to the mind’s dictatorship.
Spiritual Practice is the Art of how to Know Your Self, how to Live and how to die.
Stop trying and Live. Stop trying and Love.
Take much more time to stop and feel the Wonder of Your Self.
Allow Your Self to feel a tacit recognition of Your Core Being, that which is always Constant, Clear, Self-Existing and never Qualified by the world.
So Be It.