A Student asked ‘What is the Real? Is the Being the only Real? What about my thoughts? Are they Real?’
“The Being IS Love. The person is the mind.
The Process of Self-Realisation makes Its Way in Love.
Literally. Love must meditate the person until such time as the person seemingly dissolves into the Being, into Love.
The ego’s way of spiritual practice is completely back to front. Yet, it is the way many cling to on behalf of their own person. It is the common way of spiritual practice of the person trying to Realise the Being, the Truth Condition or Love.
The person clings to the person, while trying to Realise the Free Being-Self. ”
The Real is that which is always constant, never changing. It is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It is steadfast.
Why is it the Real? It is Constant. It is Steadfast.
It does not qualify It Self by any worldly conditions or regimes or beliefs.
It is not self-seeking. It keeps no record of wrongs.
Thoughts come and go. The Being remains. The Being or the Real is that which does not change. Thoughts come and go. Well, that’s fine until… we believe our thoughts. Believing our thoughts means the same as clinging to our thoughts. And clinging to our thoughts is the same as making the Self identical to the thoughts.
Thoughts are simply thoughts. There will always be thoughts, pleasant ones and not so pleasant ones. It is the believing the thoughts, the clinging to the thoughts, that “creates” the person-self. Thoughts come and go, therefore they are not the Real, they are not the Being of You. They are the person of you. In other words, they create the person you think you are. “I am this kind of person or not this kind of person.”
Each human believes they are the person that exists in their own mind. In other words, we become the personof our thoughts.
The person, that one that exists in the mind, that one comes and goes as thoughts come and go. That one is inherently unstable. That one always has self-righteous defence at the ready. Furthermore, that one thinks it can Realise the Being. Ah, a clever (maybe cunning) trick of the mind, a clever trick of the person.
Let us be still and clear. The person is the mind. The Being is the Spirit or Life-Force or God that Lives the entire Body and all conditions.
The person, however, the one that resides in the mind, that’s the one that shuts out anything that threatens or disturbs it. The person is the one who keeps a record of monumental museum proportions. The person is the one who says, “I do this and I have done that and I have given you everything”.
The Being is the One that Presently and Unreservedly Lives the entire Body. It keeps no record of “I have done this and that” or “I have given you so much and what about me?” That’s the strategy of the person, the mind. The mind is the one who strategically and defensively and ever so wearily “creates” the person – the subjective person. It is a never-ending and exhausting enterprise.
The Being IS Love. The person is the mind.
The Process of Self-Realisation makes Its Way in Love.
Literally. Love must meditate the person until such time as the person seemingly dissolves into the Being, into Love.
The ego’s way of spiritual practice is completely back to front. Yet, it is the way many cling to on behalf of their own person. It is the common way of spiritual practice of the person trying to Realise the Being, the Truth Condition or Love.
The person clings to the person, while trying to Realise the Free Being-Self.
The mind or person (that isolated self) makes up its own freedom. It thinks that if it does not follow the crowd, it is free. It thinks that working together for the sake of every one’s health is denying its freedom.
However, it does not matter what the person does or does not do, the person is the no-freedom - the Being is the Freedom.
The person is playing games, trying to be free and thinking it is free merely because it can do this or that, or not do this or that. The person, the one of mind, can never be free. It is the Being that is Free. The personmust surrender into the Being.
The person cannot Realise the Being. It is not possible.
The Being must be allowed to Recognise It Self.
In other words, the Being or Truth Condition must be allowed to meditate the person. Not the other way around. Not the person trying to meditate the Being or Truth Condition.
The Being begins to Realise It Self. The person was always getting in the way – the mind, where the personresides, is always getting in the way.
If the person realises the Being, then the person is still there, still in charge. And that’s how the person wants it to be. The person wants to be in charge, in control. The person is always trying to meditate the Truth, the Being. Well, the person is trying to be enlightened (ah, enlightenment according to the person – you know, that one who resides in the mind) and then getting anti the whole affair. Getting anti the structure or so called “regime” in the Hermitage.
Yes, that’s right, Spiritual Understanding is unhealthy for the ego – that sense of self we continually construct and modify and protect and (oh, God forbid) believe, merely on the basis of the person we think we are, relative to others - relative to the conditional world.
Yes, an Ashram Hermitage (wherever it may be in the world and whatever the “regime” within it) is an unhealthy place for the development of the ego, the person in the mind.