True spiritual political enlightenment
“True Spiritual Political Enlightenment is not afraid to take a radical standpoint – not one merely based in, and dedicated to, individual fulfillment and survival and all its traditions but, one of intelligent love-sacrifice of the ego-tendency (or individual consciousness) for the greater Law of Love-Communion with All. That is exactly what Nature now demands Its stumbling, fumbling self-enclosed disobedient off-spring grow up to Realise. ”
If the human species is to truly discontinue its voracious destruction of nature and righteous competition between fellow humans, then Spiritual Life must become the foundation and discipline that informs our human spiritual political cultural assemblies. Just as identity politics sets one political group against another so too identity religion and, so called “identity spiritual practices” divide humans that would otherwise begin to notice what we all have in common; Life.
And, if Spiritual Life is to become the Principle of human interaction with each other and the entire world process, which it must, while still including and celebrating human diversity and freedom, Spiritual Understanding or Spiritual Life must finally and forever be liberated. It must be liberated from all the stupidity, self-righteousness, delusion and spiritual-meditative-technique separateness that merely appeals to and consoles egoic-fear.
The human race must now come face to face with its own collective illusion. This means every individual must come face to face with her or his own self-illusion: the illusion of existing as a body/mind set apart from Nature’s Laws of Unity.
The conventional spiritual point of view is one still pursued and directed toward the search for personal self-improvement or personal survival.
In fact, we are witnessing a huge emerging “spiritual” industry grown around and catering for our ever-increasing individualistic fear-stress.
Well, isn’t that the practical basis and ideology of the capitalist economic political cultural system? It is most fundamentally a political economic culture established and held in place on the basis of the individual (or private) competitive struggle for success and survival. And it’s a double whammy of stress, as you have to look good and prove you are worth merit in the midst of an undignified search for your self.
We must understand that any human-made culture implants into its adherents, its practicing followers, deeply embedded values – values that are not threatened by the chosen spiritual practice. In other words, Spiritual Life is reduced and modified to support and justify the underlying daily values and motives of an individual. If these values and motives are threatened, Spiritual Life and Its demands are criticised as idealistic.
For most people, there is “their spiritual practice” and, quite apart from that, at the level of mostly unconscious values, or deeply embedded values, there is “their daily practice” of a fear-based way of living, on the basis of a capitalist economic individualistic culture of survival. Within this mix, the usual individual wants a comfortable duality, wherein they can surreptitiously slip between the two without each half clashing with the other.
Nowhere is this more evident than in our capitalist economic culture, which has now gone global.
The systemic universalizing forces of global cultural capitalism and its proliferation of digital narcissism have propagandized Spiritual Life out of existence and replaced It with “spiritual practices” that make one better adjusted to one’s egoic wants and desires.
Our capitalist economic political culture breeds and sustains and celebrates what has now become excessive individualism. The capitalist socio/political culture IS the indoctrination and practice of individualism taken to its inevitable destructive conclusion – the destruction of the biosphere that we depend on and IS our Unity.
Individualistic consciousness IS disconnection. Individualistic consciousness IS fear. It creates fear, isolation, competition, depression, self-doubt and all manner of delusions. It sets one against the other.
Our so-called free capitalist democracy turns a human being’s emotional attention in on his or her self. The individual self is constantly turned in on itself. It evaluates everything according to the possible threat to its needs and desires for egoistic gratification and survival.
Each individual becomes preoccupied with her/his personal growth, his/her personal spiritual practice, her/his personal relationship and so forth, thus only reinforcing and intensifying egocentricity - the values system of what has now become a global authoritarian capitalist economic culture.
And, just as this particularly Americanized militarized authoritarian capitalist culture legitimizes itself in the language of democracy, so too does hyper-individualism legitimize itself in the language of a preferred spiritual practice.
Most human beings aspire to love and compassion and, in whatever way we can, helping others to pick up their life, whatever that might be for them. We do our best within a diseased regime, an anti-life culture. However, Spiritual Political Enlightenment, or Spiritual Life is a confrontation with the fear-based values and goals of the capitalist economic culture, in which we strive to live the best of our Inherent Human Nature. That Nature that is intimately entwined in and dependent on and with All Nature.
The capitalist economic political and cultural system is diametrically opposed to Spiritual Life. It is driven by cultural and economic individualism. So much so that the needs and desires for egoistic gratification overwhelm the social order and, for the most part, the genuine impulse into Spiritual Life.
True Spiritual Life must again and again be resurrected from the hell of ego. It must be articulated and demonstrated in the ordinary language, free of the values systems and viewpoint of individualism - whether we like it or not.
True Spiritual Political Enlightenment is not afraid to take a radical standpoint – not one merely based in, and dedicated to, individual fulfillment and survival and all its traditions but, one of intelligent love-sacrifice of the ego-tendency (or individual consciousness) for the greater Law of Love-Communion with All. That is exactly what Nature now demands Its stumbling, fumbling self-enclosed disobedient off-spring grow up to Realise.