There is no end in sight ~ so relax … you are forever
“...our Real Evolution is a matter of Love - the Way of the Spirit or the Heart It-Self. Not merely a matter of our intellect trying to outwit Nature.
The True evolution of all existence is a Spiritual Matter – the continual and enduring work of Spirit or Life-Force.”
There is no evolution in the lifetime of the human being if one’s perceptions are not continually broadening and expanding beyond one’s seemingly separate subjective self. Evolution, in human terms, is far too often identified and associated with technological “advancement,” and with more and more affluent, comfortable lifestyles.
Hardly ever is human evolution measured by what should be our continually Awakening, ever ongoing Perceptions of the Spiritual/psychic/emotional interconnectedness of our Existence.
Perhaps that’s because our Real Evolution is a matter of Love - the Way of the Spirit or the Heart It-Self. Not merely a matter of our intellect trying to outwit Nature.
The True evolution of all existence is a Spiritual Matter – the continual and enduring work of Spirit or Life-Force. The Nature-Designed evolution of my human form, my human life, requires a constant surrender from the Heart of my reactive subjective self into the Spirit that is always Living me as Its Own Form. I am, You are, the Very Form of Love, the Form of Spirit. But do we allow this of ourselves and of others?
It is only True Surrender from the Heart that enables and activates a Wonderful stream of continual change and transformation of our Perceptions of self and therefore of all Existence. And these Perceptions become more and more imbued with Love.
Whatever it is that people think or perceive I am “doing,” I am only ever confessing these ongoing Perceptions in Love - in Life - and they will continue until this body-mind dies. All I am compelled to do is Express, as best I can, these unusual or uncommon Perceptions for the sake of others who might want to shift their attention from where it is usually fixated (in other words, where their perceptions are usually fixated) in order that they too can open the Doors of their Soul/psychic/emotional Being and walk through into those Perceptions that are, actually, in the end Perceptions that lie dormant in the usual body-mind conditioned by the world.
I am merely some kind of Attention Shifter. That does not mean to say people will shift their attention, but for those who are Truly Hearing and are Heart Fully Willing there will be a shift in their usual fixated attention, and this is the one main requirement; there must be a shift in attention if one is to Truly Receive.
In my own criticism I have far too much argued the point, tried to convince people, within the limits of where their usual attention is fixed. We humans have a tendency to want others to fit in or adapt to where our own attention is fixated. And I have, perhaps, far too often obliged that, thinking I can “go there” and draw people out. However, if there is no fundamental shift of attention by the individual her- or himself, then we start structuring everything, controlling everything and everyone, and making up "teachings," making everything into the same old lack of Heart endeavour. Some kind of punishing self-effort while still in the place where our attention is most fundamentally fixed. And so we talk and talk and talk, and then when we are really frustrated, we talk some more about Love and Life, Community and Relationships and …oh yes…what we should be eating. Well, what someone else should be eating.
I have never entered anything as a means to an end. Not any relationships, be they family, friends, lovers, business projects or this Ashram. Nothing in this life should be considered or related to as a means to an end. This Life, Your Life is a continuing Opening up of our/your Fullest Perception. Yes, individuals experience a change of perception, a shift from their usual fixated attention when on a mushroom trip. However, most generally they never fully and continually embody those perceptions because they did not, by their own Psychic/Soul/Love, shift their attention or alter their attention to allow the Natural Gifts in the nervous system to be activated. A nervous system so Gracious and Spiritually Designed to Perceive the Subtle Majesty of our Bodily Being and all Existence.
When by Distraction of the Grace of Love we do allow a shift of attention, there begins naturally, a change, a Transformation in us at a very root level of Consciousness and then there is no stopping It. And I Love that. It makes me cry, and as each "level" melts away, that is the crying. The tears of Love are the crying of the melting away of another layer of the worldly protected self, and then whatever "changes" take place are from that - from the Very Soul or Spirit Heart It-Self.
This Ashram, Tushita Ashram-Hermitage, is My Worldly Circumstance wherein I attempt to reveal the Greater Openings of our Perception and I too simply want to allow this body-mind to Commune with the Very Source and Nature of Its Form - which IS the Form of Nature. And I too will always have to find in me the courage to be strong in all the emotions that go with what is leaving me and the always unknown to come.
May You all Forgive Your Self through all the changing moments of Your ever Emerging Bodily Life. And allow others the same Sweet Grace.