The Way of the Heart is Lose your person-self in the Experience of the Natural State of Conscious
“Spiritual Understanding is not about trying to find the natural you – the natural “person”. It has nothing to do with “sorting the person out”.
The Way or the Source of Spiritual Practice is losing the person in Love. In other words experiencing the Natural State of Consciousness that actually Lives the person.”
Now, before you read this, would you get yourself into some kind of comfortable position, however you like... stop everything, let out a big sigh, as if you have let everything go. Slowly, slowly, notice without trying, the body breathing. Don’t mess with it - don’t try to do anything at all.
Feel soft and tender, and in noticing breath, have much affection for your body breathing. You do not have to do anything, merely allow the feeling of great affection for your body breathing.
If you have surrendered like this, you will experience (if put into words) “I Am” - Simply “I Am.” A wonderful feeling disposition of silence, of peace, of simply Being. You did not have to seek it or achieve it. You did not have to solve anything at all. There was no sorting out to be done. It’s not like you “got sorted.” Nothing like that at all.
This is your Natural State of Consciousness – your Natural State of Being. You are experiencing the Realisation of your Natural State of Consciousness. You have Realised the Experience of Your True Self.
Kindness means being True to your Natural State of Being – your True Self.
Yes, you have come into the drama humans have created, not what Nature created, not what your Natural State of Consciousness created. You, Beloved Heart, have come with your Natural State of Being into the drama of a species hell bent on separating itself from Nature and therefore separating the human itself from its Natural State of Being.
We come into this world, this conditional realm, and so very quickly we are indoctrinated with all manner of socialised, civilised, culture-centric laws and obligations primarily based upon a presumed disconnection with our already present Natural State of Consciousness.
Before you know where you are and who you are, you are led to believe what you are not - that you are not quite good enough as you are. It’s as if for some unfathomable reason you have been already judged insufficient and exiled into this realm for the purpose of self-improvement. Here you must prove yourself worthy, you must win the approval of others - yes, others who have also apparently been banished here to win some kind of competition in self-improvement. A place where we seek to have our life appreciated and loved by another. Ah, a realm, a system where you must win at all costs!
Ah, Beloved, before long you are faced with feeling that you must fulfill the presumed obligations of the society/culture you find yourself in and, more than that or added to that, the presumed obligations and expectations of the family you wereborn into. Pretty soon, after not too many years into your human existence, you begin to feel conflicted, some kind of incongruity, incompatibility or disharmony with yourself and the world around you. You endlessly vacillate between suppressing yourself and getting out of yourself by whatever means. All of which is devitalising to your Natural State of Being.
By this time what the human refers to as “my life” is the constant negotiation of either reaction or action relative to indoctrinated social, religious, cultural obligations and some as yet unknown “life” they seek to fulfill. The life you know is the one you were told about, the one you were indoctrinated into. The life unknown to you is the Natural State of Consciousness – the True Self.
On the one hand, you want to live “your life” (that is unknown) and on the other hand, you feel all the presumed expectations you are apparently meant to fulfill (theknown life), if you are to be acceptable and loved.
You want to break free and “live your life” – the unknown life – however, when you try you generally wind up feeling guilty about not fulfilling the presumed social family codes. Or, you try to fulfill the expectations of others and wind up feeling messy or guilty for not “being you.” A “you” whom you as yet do not know or, more to the point, have not experienced.
The constant underlying feeling that you should be obliging one or other expectation of the external world (of others, social/cultural expectations) in order to be okay creates a self-doubtful, devitalising energy in the body, an anxiety, an agitation, and a depression. And, what do we do with this dilemma? We impose the same burden of expectations on others. We expect them to make us feel worthy and appreciated and loved. Our conversations are littered with the detritus of our expectations and judgments of others and how we are not getting our self-entitled satisfaction.
Oh yes, that’s right, we slap ourselves stupid with self-disdain which we try to hide under our thinly veiled aggressive expectations and judgments of others and conditions. And apparently, there is a method where you can slap yourself back into your True Nature without any critical self-understanding. Why not just sit still and let go the one who does the slapping and the one who is slapped.
About here let us be very clear, Spiritual Understanding is not about trying to find the natural you – the natural “person”. It has nothing to do with “sorting the person out”.
The Way or the Source of Spiritual Practice is losing the person in Love. In other words experiencing the Natural State of Consciousness that actually Lives the person.
Did anyone tell you, you are obliged by your Life Given Nature to nurture and cultivate your Natural State of Consciousness?
We are taught the values of a society, not the values of our Natural State of Consciousness – our Natural State of Being.
Sweet Beloved Young Heart, come out of the world for a time and become still, listen deeply and Awaken to the experience of Your Natural State of Being. Then you will better hear and know the values of Your True Self.
Put down your argument for how you think things should be and how you should be.
Put down your defiance, that you once felt you needed to protect yourself from the world.
Put down your world-hardened bravado that you are a person who thinks for themselves, someone who can break rules to show they are free.
Put down your complaints about conditions and others, whom you perceive as interfering with your discovering your Natural State of Being. Put down your self-protecting judgmental self-righteousness that is aggression.
Look inside your self much more than you look outside for any sense of you. You do not have to work as hard as you think in order to be liked or be appreciated, or beloved - to be you – your Natural State of Being.
Discover the values of your Natural State of Being and then you will know how to nurture It and cultivate It. You will begin to accept your self on the basis of your Natural State of Consciousness. In other words you will know what you can do or not do, in order to further awaken and expand your Natural State of Being from the inside to the outer.
Your True Nature is Peace and Silence. You came out of Silence and you will go back into Silence.
Your True Nature is your Greatest Treasure, your Greatest Gift.
Love your True Nature so much that you would much rather nurture and cultivate and expand It into the outer world rather than dump the outer world onto It.
Your True Nature is Love, which is the Natural State of Consciousness. The Natural State of Consciousness contains all the True Intelligent Laws and Expressions of the person. The person - the individual - is in Truth (the Natural State of Consciousness) a servant of the Natural State of Consciousness. However, most generally, the person becomes obsessed with its person.
To that Self - to your Natural State of Being - be True.
Do not look for validation from others. Do not look for approval from others. You will discover it in your Natural State of Being. Allow your Natural State of Being to meditate you. It is Your Love. It IS Love.
You are the Beloved.