The one all-Pervading spirit
“We came out of the Grace of One Spirit, or God the Real, or Life-Force (all the same One) and we will finally be Dissolved into the Same Great One. We are all lived and we will all die in equal measure by the One Great Spirit. ”
The One all-Pervading Spirit, or Life-Force, or Love-Being has made this world possible and It has made all nature possible, also you & I & all. It is the Very Heart or Real Substance of our bodies and of all manifestation. And It does not belong exclusively to anybody nor any place or time, nor to any culture, society, belief or world. It is what we can call the Truth “Condition” of all manifestation. It is the Truth “Condition” of You & I & All. However, this must be Realised. In other words, this must become Your no-choice but only choice, Your Love-Fully and Faith-Fully Devoted Self-Identity Commitment, if It is to be Realised.
And, Commitment arises out of the deep Realisation one has no choice but to make the only choice - that of their Soul-Being.
The body itself is the Creation and Instrument and literal mechanism of Life-Force or Spirit. You and I are Lived by the Nature of Spirit or, if You prefer, the Spirit of Nature. It makes no difference, it is all One.
When I speak of the Inherent-Life-Self, the True-Self, the Very Heart, I am speaking of the Spirit, the Love-Being, the Life-Force that Lives the body/mind, that is the Very Self-Being, that is both Your and My True Identity. It is the Living Truth of All. Yes, It creates all outer differences, all that makes You and I unique bodily and in personality and, at the same time, It always transcends the body/mind. In other words, It is the One Master, the One Animator, the One Truth Giver, the Sustenance and Destroyer of the body/mind and all manifestation, no matter what our identity from worldly cultural/social/religious beliefs is.
We came out of the Grace of One Spirit, or God the Real, or Life-Force (all the same One) and we will finally be Dissolved into the Same Great One. We are all lived and we will all die in equal measure by the One Great Spirit.
The Spirit is Love. The Spirit is the Living God. The Spirit is the Soul. The Spirit is the Truth Condition of all. And, I suggest the Spirit, the Being of Love, the actual Living-Life-Force is boundless, unrestrained, immeasurable and unreasonably generous. But only if It is not restricted by the human tendency to separate out into a self-consciously or bodily-based (as opposed to All-One-Spirit based) separate identity belief group, with self-proclaimed righteous beliefs that it has the “right spirituality” and that its members are closer to the Spirit than others.
Every living Soul desires Its Own Freedom from all forms of human-created self-consciousness. In other words, every Soul, the Very Spirit of our Humanity, inherently desires to be Free of the limits to Itself of any lesser identity - cultural, social or religious – (and I do not apologise for upsetting anyone’s worldly-made and therefore self-conscious sensibilities). After all, why come to me if You are not already moved enough by the insufferable suffering that our separate (from One All-Pervading Spirit) groups of identity create among us?
The Freedom of our Innate Spirit, our Radiant Bright Eternal Soul, does not come about or occur as a result of any manipulative bodily, cultural or personal beliefs but as a result of moving beyond those confines. By the Very Soul of this body/mind, by the Very Living Master, I was urged and moved to go beyond whatever cultural, social and religious sensibilities I had unconsciously inherited, not by birth but from parents and teachers who lived by those identities.
I came to Realise much later that I (as You also do) Exist prior to any experience, any human-made belief system constructed for the sake of some worldly identity. In other words Spirit, the Very Soul, is always Freely, Radiantly and Generously Existing, long before I have moved a finger, had a thought, created some identity of lesser or greater self-importance, or compared myself to anyone or anything. Spirit, the True Condition, the True Heart Self is already the case, already and always Present before, during and after all experience. However, that must be Realised, not just believed.
Spiritual-Self-Identity Practice (as opposed to social or cultural self-identity practice) grows You, Frees You from self-consciousness (ah… the bubble I hear so much about) and evolves You, but only if you place it into the context of everyday life, only if you are Love-Fully Committed to It and thereby to “applying” It in the course of everyday life.
Our self-imposed self-consciousness, our lesser identity within and through our outer worldly cultural, social, religious allegiance binds us, informs us, rather than loyal allegiance to the One Great Spiritual Reality of all.
It is our allegiance to merely bodily based spiritual ideas and identities that creates or provokes the seeker urge in us. The seeker - the one with-holding her or his own Inherent State, the Free Abiding Life Energy Principle - then looks for It in the world and in their possible experiences, spiritual or otherwise, in their relationships and so forth. Everything is used as a hopeful means of being released from their own grip, their own self-reduction, their own withholding of their Inherent or Native Bodily Life-Energy - their Truth All Inclusive Spirit Generosity.
I am very aware I upset more people than not. However, what do we humans want from the Very Free Spirit or Being of Love, that is the wonder and playfulness, humour, compassion, delight, laughter, joyousness, mystery, love, gratitude, generosity, empathy, humility, that is the Very Heart, the Grace of Life It Self, before we broke it into rigid belief systems in order to justify our bodily-based identity rather than our Spirit-Based Oneness Identity. By this I mean: yes, wear your costumes, speak your language, dance your dance, express your greetings, just as all the flowers in a garden do, but do not use them as a separate-from-one-another identity.
I do not intend to offend anyone; however, I am willing to point out that we humans most generally perceive allegiance as loyalty to the object, the difference – not to the Energy behind the difference. All these bodies, all these objects are a masquerade. We swear allegiance to the masquerade, not to the Energy, not to the Spirit behind the masquerade, not to the Generous Being of Love.
Beloved Hearts, if our relationships are not founded on the already-released Life-Force form, but on the subjective-self principle and its fearful, self-protective point of view, we cannot fully serve each other towards the Higher Realisation of Human Life. For as long as we humans refuse to go beyond our self-consciousness, our lesser, worldly-created identities, we will be the victims of our own greed. We will try only to survive within a process of comfortable, self-indulgent, collective genocide. In other words, we are only involved in consuming Life-Force, devouring it and we are keeping it to our-self. Much like we do with food, sex and money.
Oh Beloved, don’t ask, “Are you capable of loving me, or someone?” - that is the fallacy of love. Ask yourself, “Am I able to become Love?”
The mind registers the world, the outer. The Heart registers the Soul, and the Soul registers the Spirit.
The Heart is the Translator of the Mystic Soul.
The mind has a great deal of difficulty describing what is happening in the Heart.
The mind is based, or built upon the shifting sands of knowing.
The Heart is the Sacramental Threshold to the Soul, that is mounted on the Eternal Age of Nature,
The Soul is the Sacred Tabernacle of Love Divine - the Forever and Always Constant Feeling-Being.
I am today watering Flowers that grow wild at the Threshold of Your Soul, Dearest Heart.
Through the years, and ever more now, I am tending my Garden. I am always with You and wherever I am now, I am tending My Garden. And I still cry for the Beauty, the Wonder, the Sacrifice that each and every Flower so fearlessly Transmits in its sudden brevity of life, and yet so Generously and Fully Blooms for All in Its own moments.
May we all, regardless of race, creed, colour or culture become Artisans of Soul, of Spirit, of Love, of Life.