“The relationship between the senses of the body and the entire sensory biosphere is the one True interdependent Relationship for all living forms. All the qualities that make us fully human are generated within this primal Relationship. It is the nature of this Relationship and our full participation in it that stimulates beauty, freshness, curiosity, wonder, danger, spontaneity, uncertainty, freedom, rawness, wild-wisdom, compassion, vitality, sanity, humour, bravery and forgiveness - a body always restored in Love. ”
Our human body is designed by Nature in such a way as to make it totally attuned to its greatest and necessary Relationship – our Relationship with all the Forces of Nature.
The body has a natural reciprocal Relationship with the Forces of Nature and it is our primary and essential Relationship. No matter what conventional meaning we attribute to the word relationship, whether it is relationship with another person or relationship with Jesus, or with friends, our bodily life depends on our bodily Relationship with the biosphere.
Our sensory body contains the gateways to our present and ancestral reciprocity with the animate Earth. All our bodily senses - the wind and rain on our skin, the sounds of communication of all creatures, the sight of colours, textures, sky and space, the smells of earth and forests, the breathing landscapes of our living earth - our True Grand Mother – are not merely for our own pleasure although they transmit pleasure and pain. Our senses are our direct communication with all we truly depend on. They are guardians of our human-ness, and they demand we go into the Wild.
Where do we think our life happens? Who or what have we come to depend on?
Where do we place our security? Today, in this modern society/culture, we think about and worry about and talk about - and to some degree participate - almost exclusively, in our own human affairs and our human-made technology.
All bodies, human, animal and plant, exist because of their Relationship to and with the Forces or Energies of Nature. It is the Relationship already in Love (in Life) in every moment and it is the most sensuous of relationships, yet it is the Relationship we have, in our own human-centered psychology and technology, divorced ourselves from.
The relationship between the senses of the body and the entire sensory biosphere is the one True interdependent Relationship for all living forms. All the qualities that make us fully human are generated within this primal Relationship. It is the nature of this Relationship and our full participation in it that stimulates beauty, freshness, curiosity, wonder, danger, spontaneity, uncertainty, freedom, rawness, wild-wisdom, compassion, vitality, sanity, humour, bravery and forgiveness - a body always restored in Love.
We humans have made a false and perilous distinction between human nature and non-human nature. Well, that is it. We have assigned everything that is not human to some ‘other’ nature, some other realm. However, despite the obvious differences in appearance, shape, size and faculties, these forms remain in the same Spirit, the same Nature, the same Life as the human animal.
What have we done, or more to the point what haven’t we done? We are now in a most eco-ruinous situation. Modern “man” is caught up in a profusion of artificial distractions in our everyday life, wherein our attention is hypnotized by endless human-made technology that fundamentally loops back into our already narcissistic interests.
We have become enamoured of and consumed by our own psychological spiritual fads and the technological extensions of our own self-enclosed mind. So much so that we now have a typically western, self-serving idea that Spiritual Truth will come to the west through psychology and its servant technology, both of which reflect us back to our narcissistic self.
We have enough psychology, scientific information and spiritual techniques to sink a planet but still we have an almost complete lack of (even an aversion to) submitting and restoring our minds and bodies to our always and never changing (no matter what modern occupations we develop) ancestral reciprocity with the living, sensuous, feeling, breathing Earth.
We have plundered and ransacked the larder of our body mind’s real food and source of sanity – our Real Lover, the sensuous, erotic, pleasurable and always present biosphere. Our widespread psychological and emotional distress, depression and suicides will not and cannot be “cured” by human psychology alone. We have, by our own money-making, self-glamourizing technology, “successfully” suppressed our body and our mind’s sensuous ability and fundamental health. And no amount of devitalized, self-enclosed human meditation, along with all our “curative” spiritual self-aggrandizing practices and beliefs will ‘do it’ while we, in everyday life, rob our mind and our body of its sensuous integrity with all Nature.
Be aware of this modern day proliferation and popularisation of neoliberal, quasi-spiritual meditation programmes.
How many of them demand a transformation of the social-political system, which the participants on these retreats engage in within everyday life? How many of these “practices” encourage, stimulate, and invigorate their participants to become intelligently aware of how our present modern way of life foments anxiety, fear, emotional isolation, self-doubt, depression and suicide?
Examine these popular “spiritual practices” well. Are they another one of the many popular meditations based merely on calming the distraught individual down, making him or her a little more “peaceful,” in order for the participant to operate more efficiently in an ego-driven, dysfunctional, brutalised, corporate capitalist contractual society?
If societies’ morals and laws and codes of ethics were designed to Enlighten us... well... then we would all be living in various degrees of Enlightenment ... but that is absolutely not the case. Therefore, is that the best we can do, to teach people to talk with each other non-violently, to calm people down so they can work more coherently and effectively in desensitized corporate institutions, to sedate people with spiritual nonsense so they never become truly aware of their fundamental disconnection to the Breathing Earth that Breathes all forms of life? Is that the best we can do?
If that’s the best we can do, then all we are doing is, for every individual we apparently “heal,” merely morphing the same mental-emotional disease into various other forms, to reappear in greater numbers and often in more virulent forms.
In every gladiator sport there are casualties and then there are people who bandaid the wounded and sedate the traumatised. And then there are those who instill in others a belief in the need to keep on fighting. Of course, there are the spectators, who neither want to participate nor change anything – they merely want to be entertained.
It is a hideous insult to the Radiant Beauty, our creation and all creation, to struggle and strive and stress in all the human-made complications that deny our otherwise natural, primal Relationship with this Earth, with each other and all our animal relatives. We become diseased, depressed and anxious when we lose our great and necessary Relationship with the Natural Forces we actually bodily depend on.
The human mind of each individual will be restored to its Sensuous Source Condition when she or he awakens to and discovers the always Present Relationship with their True and Constant Lover.