The Impersonal Native Body of everybody
“The body contains spiritually charged knowledge that has been painstakingly evolved and accumulated through millions of births and deaths, regardless of any individual identity derived from it. The body is always aware of its Natural Identity, its Natural Impersonal Life that penetrates to the Source of all manifest and un-manifest existence.”
The body is the natural expression of the process in Life.
All manifestation and all bodies are an expression of the process in Life. From birth to death, every stage of the body’s beginning and aging and ending is the natural expression of the process of Life. No particular stage of the body from birth to death is any more or less the Perfect Expression of the Way of Life.
The body is our ancient and present reciprocity with Nature; it is already and always in direct communion with and as the Divine Reality, the Truth Condition.
The body adheres to the Will of Life. It is the Will of Life.
It submits in every moment to the Natural Process of Life, to every uncertain moment of Life.
The body, not the mind, is the natural way and expression of Life, whereas the ego-mind is the expression of our disconnection from the way of Life.
It is the mind that kicks up a fuss when it does not get what it wants or cannot get someone else’s mind to think the same way as it does.
The body contains spiritually charged knowledge that has been painstakingly evolved and accumulated through millions of births and deaths, regardless of any individual identity derived from it. The body is always aware of its Natural Identity, its Natural Impersonal Life that penetrates to the Source of all manifest and un-manifest existence.
The body is the Buddha Nature. The body is the Native Mind; it already has a non-dual awareness.
The Native body of every creature is not in opposition to the Laws of Nature, the Laws of Life. The body of every human communicates with the earth, sun, air and water and equally with every other body, as one without any difference.
However, we humans seem to prefer to re-locate to the small mind, the ego-mind construct.
We reside in the mind, in thoughts.
How many humans are offered the circumstance to fulfill their bodily birth, to slowly become fully embodied?
By the various methods of our particular and peculiar nationalistic, religious, cultural and political ideologies, we very quickly become conditioned into habitual patterns of disconnection from our Native Body, our Native Mind.
The Native Mind of the body becomes lost and forgotten under the enforced imposition of a conventional cultural/social/political ideology, that before too long we identify with, as “this is who I am.” We become dis-embodied, we “live” in the mind and we tend to adhere to what is essentially a disembodied concept and expectation of our self.
It is not strictly the clash of bodies in the wars of the human species, or even that the body itself wants to go to war or wreck its Native Home. It is, in fact, a collision of ego-mind created ideologies and values and beliefs, and the demand that bodies fight and defend these.
This pernicious and debilitating disembodiment sabotages and weakens our physical, emotional and spiritual well being-ness; nowhere is this more evident than in our modern societies.
The rules of modern civility demand non-participation in the Way of the Body, the Way of Life. What have we become when our daily life requires techno compatibility rather than Nature compatibility?
The morality of modern society has no application to the morality of Nature - that upon which we all depend for our bodily existence. Modern political-militarized-industrialized-computerized society is a ruthless egoic ideology that disrupts and confuses and deadens humans’ True Nature, then replaces it with a disembodied or external moral system. This system has nothing to do with Life and everything to do with humans’ narcissistically self-appointed self-importance.
And while a human concentrates his or her energy and attention on craving the apparent certainty of “knowing” and the need to “keep up with the play of society,” and the comfort of the fictitious safety of belonging to a self-defining ideology, she or he is unable to pay attention to the inherent inner gifts and talents we already embody.
These inherent gifts and talents and their unique expressions relative to each individual require a life-long dedication of disciplined focus in a specific domain in order for one to discover and realize one’s true or real human value; the value as the one they are – the One they have already been given to Be by Nature.