The Cult of Man and the Spirit of Life
“There is nothing more revealing about the cultic nature of a centralised government system than when it holds itself above the Spiritual growth and nourishment of humanity for the sake of fostering perpetual promises of greater economic wealth.”
It is common to hear people talk about conditional love and unconditional love in much the same way as it is customary to hear someone remark that one person is more spiritual than another, or say this ritual is more spiritual than that one. Typically, we also make all kinds of judgements about what is spiritual and what is not. Merely because a few people live together on a piece of land, adhere to one doctrine or another and co-operate, it must therefore be a spiritual community.
However, before we can have a truly meaningful and profound discussion about subjects such as conditional love or unconditional love, or the politics of an Enlightened community or society, we must first of all have a genuine Devotionally Positive Emotional feeling of Unity with the Spiritual Reality we all depend on It is not enough merely to have a theoretical, intellectual knowing about one religious/spiritual doctrine or another, and on that basis toss around words like Dharma or the Spiritual Reality, Awareness, Consciousness It Self or Spiritual Community.
If we are to Truly understand and engage with conditional existence on the basis of Wisdom being the discipline or governance of our functions, we must already have a genuine Heart-felt positive relatedness to and in the Spirit, the Great Source Energy that in the first place, makes all things possible.
In the absence of a prior, whole-bodily (mental, emotional, psychic and physical) positive and affectionate feeling identity with and as the Spiritual Reality, our discussions are characterised by our own particular desires, based in our own individual sense of disunity from the Spiritual Reality.
For example, before we can unravel the self-concerned, emotional entanglements and opinions we have about sex and love, we must first of all Be in a State of Love. That is, we must first of all embody a secure sense of intimacy with the Spirit or Life-Force that the body-mind depends on. We must first of all genuinely enter into and realise a Conscious State of Love for the Spirit that makes all conditions possible. Well, that is rarely the case. Is such a whole-bodily Initiation into the Source and Love of our Life a major part of our education? Shockingly not, yet only in an already Intimate Conscious State of Love can we have a profound discussion or enquiry into and engagement with the conditions of this existence. Only then will Love inform and educate and transform us, not merely our desires and opinions, which suggest to us Love is something we have or something we can enjoy when we love another or another loves us. In this way, the conventional way, the way of presumed disunity from the Spiritual Reality, we use sex as an instrument, a conditional necessity in the pursuit of love. Does this figure anywhere in our sex education? Love ItSelf must be Realised as the Spiritual Reality and, therefore, the Unconditional or Enlightened State of our Consciousness – and so the Foundation of our all our bodily functions.
In place of or instead of establishing our sense of self in the Spiritual Reality we qualifying our sense of self relative to the world - meaning others and conditions - we use conditions such as sex as a means of attaining a sense of intimacy and love which we have not already established in Truth for our Self.
In other words, when we have not matured into a Conscious State of Devotional Positive Emotional Communion with the Spiritual Reality that we all depend on, we become dependent on conditional experiences to stimulate our nervous system. Or in other words, when we further distance ourselves from the Primal Spirit our bodies depend on, we lose the emotional feeling of Unconditional Love Intimacy that is our Inherent Conscious State. We come to depend on the accumulation of conditional experiences and objective knowledge as the means of becoming aware of how we feel about our self.
Now, more than ever before, in the midst of our modern human techno- psycho-physical drama, individuals anxiously seek all kinds of conditional surrogate intimacies to replace the ever-increasing loss of our Inherent, Spiritually Instinctive Intimacy with Life ItSelf.
The Heart of our Existence is Spirit and Spirit is the Essence of our Nature. The secret of our Human Peace and Vitality is in our present Devotionally Positive Emotional Communion with the Great All-Abiding Spirit we all depend on. That is our Ultimate and always Faithful Intimate Relationship. However, in the conventional presumption of Spiritual disunity, we fall into the common dilemma of relying on the sense of self that is relative to conditional experience, be it what others think of us, what society deems successful or the accumulation of worldly wealth and objective knowledge.
The Sign of our True One Humanity is not how much knowledge we can accumulate in order to manipulate and control the Forces of Nature, but our Unbiased Devotionally Positive Emotional Communion with the Source and Power of Nature - the Spirit Force we all depend on.
Yes, objective knowledge is useful, especially when we use it for the good of all. In other words, conditional knowledge must always be submitted to Wisdom. What does this mean? How do we do that? To Truly restrain us from using knowledge and worldly status for power and control, we must always be in the Prior State of Awakened Devotional Positive Emotional Intuition of our actual and True Disposition in the Spirit.
If not, we humans tend to use that knowledge and its presumed worldly status for our own self-centered recognition and manipulation of others for our own gain. Knowledge merely for ego’s sake breaks our Sacred Bond with Spirit, the Very Source we all depend on. You see, the Spirit we all depend on always transcends all objective knowledge, all conditional knowledge. We are eternally Transcended - Lived and Out-Lived - by the One Great Forever Spirit.
The further we distance ourselves from Nature, the further we distance ourselves from the Essence of our bodily existence. What is left of us when we are no longer overwhelmed with a Positive Emotional Love Surrender into the Spiritual Reality, the Very Source and Expression of Nature? Well, we assign ourselves all manner of objective/conditional identities, be they superior or inferior, all in the petty, vain attempt to gain and improve our separate sense of self.
We tend to contract into a separate self, that is, we abandon our Spirit or Unconditional Self in the midst of our confrontation with conditions. This results in a deep sense of emotional disunity. And then we seek to establish a sense of self from the conditions. As a result of this withdrawal into a separate self, we suffer the loss of Inherent Intimacy with our True Self-Being and, in Its place, we appoint ourselves a conditional status in the hope it will protect us from the inexorable Process of Life It Self - the Spiritual Reality.
Left in the shock of our early confrontation with mortal conditions, we tend to become concentrated in the ultimately hopeless struggle of trying to manipulate and control the ever-changing conditional realm. Ah, the common enterprise of the seeker - the endless pursuit to get the conditions stacked up in such a way that she/he can finally rest in peace. But, there is no lasting peace in that form of relatedness to existence. Only the constant noise of the mind, the persistent feeling of being not good enough yet. Rather than experiencing the Stillness of Listening to hear the Inherent Wisdom Intelligence of our Bodily Being, we become dependent on conditional experience and conditional knowledge, (external knowledge) in order to maintain our worldly status, our independent person self - the egoic self. And once we become dependent on conditional knowledge, we are available to be manipulated and controlled by those who have the power and resources to control and censor that knowledge.
As long as we are not Awake to our Spiritual Bodily Self, we become fearfully reliant on objective experiences and conditional knowledge as the means of stimulating our nervous system in order to feel alive - to feel Love.
Every-body has the Inherent Life Nature, the Inherent Nature-Given Bodily Intelligence to grow out of the first stages of human development, the egoic stage, the feeling sense of a separate self-identity. However, the Spiritual Process in which this Transformation takes place must be kept Alive and Valued just like any Great Art. To this end, our human species has always been given Women and Men, who have passed through this Great Ordeal and are Adept in the Spiritual Process necessary for such Maturity. It is not so much they are absent in this world but more the fact that we can remain defiantly absent from them.
I repeat, objective knowledge is fine and useful, but we have moved so far away from Whole Bodily Relatedness to the Spiritual Reality of our existence that we are now in the grip of an idolatrous worship of objective knowledge, worldly status and conditional experience alone, as the means of feeling a sense of self.
In fact, we are now in the grip of subjective intellectualism and its religion of political objective belief systems. In other words, we are presently engrossed in an all-too-common occurrence of fanatical political ideological cultism.
The word cult means a system of external control by mechanisms such as beliefs, ideologies and fear-motivated behaviour, like follow the leader and all things related to mere obedience and worship of a deity or governmental power base. Until we are Truly Awake to our collective dependence on the Spirit Nature of existence, we remain uncritically immersed in the society/culture/nationality we are born into and so embrace the self-serving illusions and hypocrisies it has about itself.
Fanatical cultism is all around us. We are continually invited and exhorted to suspend self-responsible critical judgement and merely fall into line with such quasi-moralistic statements as, “we are doing this for the good of the people,” “the government is on the side of law and order” and “we do not engage with protesters and dissenters.” Such a cultic power base does not want Vital Spiritual Beings but merely devout well-behaved believers and stolid serfs, who accept the rules of modern vassalage and the autocrat’s asinine promises of better times to come.
There is nothing more revealing about the cultic nature of a centralised government system than when it holds itself above the Spiritual growth and nourishment of humanity for the sake of fostering perpetual promises of greater economic wealth. All this autocratic, power-based, disingenuous and hypocritical posturing, backed by a government’s own self-protective laws, make democratic dissent difficult if not, of course, unlawful. The cult allows only one card game and the deck is stacked in favour of those who deal the cards.
Under such a centralised and dominating authoritarian political system, the knowledge and opinions most likely to prevail have very little to do with the True Maturation of our species, much less the true well-being of the people.
Well, what to do? Start a “new” political party? Argue the opposite side of the same coin? Write a new social-political manifesto, whose mission statement begins with the sentence, “I reckon what needs to happen… ”
There will never be harmonious interplay of our Spiritual Given diversity while we cling to our own cultic associations and identities. We must all accept the Great Relationship of dependence on the ‘One for all’ Primal Spirit Force. In other words, until we become Spiritually Self Responsible (or Responsible in the Spirit) we cannot have an unbiased Profound and fruitful discussion on the politics of Humanity. Both sides of the discussion will merely fall into adversarial points of view. Both sides will come from their desires, based on a disposition of Spiritual disunity, the egoic or separate-self point of view.
Based on my observation of the human affair, along with a critical self-observation of my own previously unconscious presumption of Spirit disunity, I began to realise that my highest duty was to Awaken to our already present Spiritual Unity Self, rather than any cultic association or identifying with any worldly-based culture, nation or religion. This is our Highest collective duty. And until then, until a critical number of people Awaken to the Truth Condition, the Spiritual Reality that we all depend on, we will be subsumed by all our various cultic associations and identities. And this being so, we will become subservient to those who become the worldly authorities on those identities.
In this way, people will wait for and depend on conditional knowledge to be given to them. Well, a cursory glance at history will reveal very clearly that information is held by those who can afford it and denied to those who have neither the time or money to find it.
We, the human species, must Awaken to our Real Disposition. We are all in the One brewing pot, the ‘One for all’ Spiritual Reality. We must Awaken to the Truth Condition with all our Courageous, Heart-Felt Love.