the body of love
“The body is naturally adhering to and evolving in Life-Energy. The body lives the way of Life prior to our thoughts, our ideologies, our technology or any particular experience. The mind, however, creates ego. Ego is the mind. Ego-dissolution is the dethroning of the mind’s dictatorship over the body’s natural process in the Way of the Life-Energy. ”
Consider this: the body, quite apart from the mind, is naturally adhering to and evolving in the Life-Energy. No matter what thoughts arise in the mind - the body lives the way of Life prior to our thoughts, our ideologies, our technology or any particular experience. The body IS the body of Life. The body itself clings to no nationality, no culture, no ideologies, no thoughts or things. The mind, however, is the means by which we identify our self through these categories. The mind creates ego – the other-than-Life sense of identity.
Imagine, if you will, if we could dissect the mind as we do the body, we would find a cell that has become dissociated from cooperation with other cells in Life and is now serving its own separate need. A cell that has become infected and swollen with a Life inhibitor called ego. We could say “a cell that has gone ego.” This cell has become self-centered rather than whole- bodily Life Inclusive. And, what’s more, this one rogue cell has the power to convert the rest of the mind to feed it and serve it. Very soon the mind becomes ego. If this ego-affected cell was recognized to be as harmful as a cancer cell in the body, one would eagerly desire to eliminate it.
Well, the good news is there is a process into which one can submit the mind to subdue and reduce ego without destroying the rest of the mind. Ego-dissolution is the dethroning of the ego’s dictatorship over the body’s natural process in the Way of the Life-Energy.
If the ego-cells are left to thrive and multiply, they interfere with the natural body of Love we could otherwise enjoy. You see, the ego-mind left to its self is not free of its own desire to identify with its self and serve its own exclusive needs. The ego-mind wants to glorify it self and save it self at any expense, no matter what the cost to the body.
This state of mind can talk about God and various religious and spiritual practices and beliefs and yogic states of the body/mind. But such a mind is not prepared to acknowledge or be still enough to admit and Realise the present reality of the body’s inherence (and all manifestation) in the Transcendental Reality – the Life-Energy Reality.
The Transcendental Life-Energy is the Body of God.
The human body, apart from the mind, inheres in the Transcendental Life-Energy. Therefore the body is the Body of God. From the body’s point of view, the body’s reality is the impersonal Life-Energy Reality–the Life-Energy that is naturally Living all manifestation. The ego-mind, on the other hand, creates its own version and order to suit itself. It grabs everything for itself. It consumes everything that is Life’s Natural Nutrition – Love - for its own personal use. Such a mind left to its egoic tendencies will consume the body into it self – into its own contraction from Life, into its own identity. This Life transgression can be referred to as the mind’s reality is the personal reality.
Most of us typically remain in the mind’s grip of its “own personal reality.” We commonly refer to this reality as “I.”
On the basis of our mind’s contraction into a personal identity, we remain ignorant of the body’s present undifferentiated (no matter what culture or nationality) inherence in the Life-Energy. From this point of view - the personal reality point of view - we are persuaded to pursue whatever “spiritual practice” offers us the best possibility of complimenting and satisfying our “personal mind reality,”
The personal identity, the mind created identity, is a split from our True Source and Native Identity. Our mind’s false identity creates a sensation, an anxiety that suggests we need to add something to the Body Mind Being in order to “be enlightened” or feel at peace or find our true identity and purpose.
From this point of view, we seek God or Enlightenment or Love as though it was a “missing part” of our Human Being Self.
We seem willing to submit to all kinds of hopefulsocial, religious and spiritual practices. That is, we hopewe will get enlightened, rather than understanding our denial, our avoidance of our body’s always-present inherence in and dependence on the Universal Life-Energy. In other words, we submit to all forms of seeking based on our denial that the body is presently and always inhering in the Transcendental Life-Energy. It is not difficult to notice with a sober state of consciousness that we humans are generally not truly enjoying bodily Life at all.
Who is the one in denial? The body or the mind?
We now exist in a time of an all-pervading modern global culture – the economic/celebrity/glamour culture – a culture based on the demands of the egocentric mind. This being so, what impact or influence has this popular modern cultural ideology had on spiritual practice? Well, we do what we have always done, we re-interpret spiritual practice or modify spiritual practice in order to accommodate whatever the current popular ideology may be.
As long as spiritual practice remains a personal affair, an association with forms and rituals and exciting experiences, then spiritual encounters and practices and beliefs are further morphed to appeal to or accommodate what is essentially the “personal” demand of the egoic mind - the mind’s demand for experiences and beliefs without self-responsibility, for popular acceptance, specialized attention and at all costs, immunity from aging and bodily death – the Natural Process.
We must understand, the mind is not the Principle of human existence. The Eternal Life-Energy that permeates and suffuses all manifest conditions is the Principle of human existence.
The Life-Energy is the Gracious Being that is the Body of Love. Who is walking and who is doing? The Eternal Beloved Life-Energy – the Impersonal Reality – is walking and doing. The human form is the manifestation of the Life-Energy and as such is the human form’s True or Native Identity. So, why all the different forms and beliefs and techniques that go by the name of “religious or spiritual practice?”
Our mind-person-centric point of view stimulates a deep longing to connect, to belong. Well, of course, we have via the mind separated or withdrawn from the Source and Well-Being of our existence. By way of the mind we assume a subjective inner being - a self, trapped in the conundrums and contradictions of its own limitations. However, understand, I am not suggesting in any way we dumb-down our personality and the celebration of our creative human diversity. Nor are we required to abandon the mind to the extent of loss of mental ability and mental intelligence.
However, it is the mind that creates a separate reality, not the body.
The body is naturally adhering to and evolving in Life-Energy. The body lives the way of Life prior to our thoughts, our ideologies, our technology or any particular experience. The mind, however, creates ego. Ego is the mind. Ego-dissolution is the dethroning of the mind’s dictatorship over the body’s natural process in the Way of the Life-Energy.
Whole bodily enlightenment, or Realisation of our Native Condition as our True Identity, does not come about as a result of our mind’s efforts to manipulate conditions or experiences according to its take on Life. Similarly it does not occur as a result of identifying with any particular spiritual or cultural ideologies.
Whole bodily enlightenment in our True Condition is a result of ego-death or, in other words, the transcendence of the mind’s personal story of self. In which, by the way, the body has no interest whatsoever.