The body is the law of nature. Let the body breathe with its own nature.
“We inhale the vital alive biosphere through our skin, our lungs, and our every cell in the body. The biosphere is the natural stimulant and nourishment of our bodily chemistry - our moods and our health. The forces of nature, the elements of nature, animate us far more than our mind-made psychology or philosophy.”
The habitual subject/object thinking and perceiving of the conventional mind does not permit the body to function freely, or at least interferes with the body’s free-feeling communion with Life.
The body is the body of Love. What does that mean? The body does not create separate ideologies, beliefs, identities and so forth. It is always in constant Sacrificial Love Communion with the forces of nature, the forces of Life. In other words, it is a constant functioning Love Sacrifice into nature for the means of Life.
The mind, however, is the creator of a subjective or separate self. And, this mind is commonly involved in an enclosed, ceaseless conversation with itself that overrides and frustrates the body’s Life-enhancing conversation with the forces of its own nature.
The body has been instinctively evolved over time, within its inherent intimate engagement with the elemental forces of nature. However, the mind is the activity of the separate self, the conditioned self, the seeking self and the private self – the self, disconnected from its primal source condition.
It is the mind that interferes with the body’s instinctive relationship with the forces of nature. It is the personal mind that corrupts and stresses our body’s natural relationship with the elements of nature.
This is so because we abandon the body’s communication with all the elements of nature in order to pursue and exploit the kinds of seeking our own private mind craves.
We inhabit a far greater body than just the personal body. The idea or sensation of living in a separate personal body is a modern civilized construct of mind. The body itself is embedded in earth nature. Our sensitive and sensuous bodies are intimately part of the earth world we inhabit.
Our nervous system is carnally embedded in the uncontrollable forces of nature.
Our brain’s nervous systems could never have evolved without our direct engagement with every aspect of our earth nature habitat. And yet we have, with our own modern civilized constructs, cut our body’s essential communion with the elements of nature.
In our drive for safety, comfort and predictability, we have cut off our body’s natural communication from nature and we thereby starve our seething nervous system of the necessary and nourishing stimulants derived from nature that it requires in order to maintain the demands of Love and health.
The necessity of the body’s interaction with nature’s laws and manifest elements for its health has been severely curtailed. This has been severely impeded by our safety-conscious, civilized affluent way of life. Today the body’s health and enlightenment is filtered through a constant array of technology, continually crafted to satisfy and accommodate our modern minds’ desires. And yet the wisdom of the body’s innate nature far exceeds all the speculation and calculations we impose on it with our minds.
We inhale the vital alive biosphere through our skin, our lungs, and our every cell in the body. The biosphere is the natural stimulant and nourishment of our bodily chemistry - our moods and our health.
The forces of nature, the elements of nature, animate us far more than our mind-made psychology or philosophy.
Just so, cocooned in our modern, civilized, techno air-conditioned, environmentally friendly existence, our physiology remains hungry for engagement with the forces of nature, unhindered by the mind.
And then, in the midst of our body’s deprived elemental life, we propose to take up the rigors of Spiritual Life. Have you noticed how we generally want that to be a comfortable passage, a warm meditative circumstance, undisturbed by the vagaries and rawness of nature’s elements and forces? Once again, we want a safe Spiritual Practice, one that accommodates our frightened and delicate physiology- a Spiritual Practice that accommodates our minds endless search.
Beloved Arohananda Ma has often commented how people generally bring a devitalized nervous system to the Siddhi within the Spiritual Hermitage, with which to receive and reciprocate the vital energy transmitted by a Spiritual Renunciate.
“The subjective self, the sensation of being a separate self person, has a traumatic effect on our nervous system, resulting in chronically deficient breathing and therefore a devitalized physiology. If we are to engage fully or whole bodily in the process of Transcendental Understanding, we must recharge the very core of our physiology.”
Arohananda Ma
In the Light of Her own remarkable bodily healing, Arohananda Ma has instigated and introduced the IAM Breathing Method at Tushita Hermitage.
“The modern human being, who is, in fact, constantly traumatized by both the effects of a highfalutin’ techno society and a physiology starved of its fundamental natural stimulants, must take back responsibility for deep psycho-physical breathing in order to oxygenate and recharge the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. If we are to sit in the presence of the Siddhi of Life and come into Communion with such a Transmission, we must first of all bring a fully oxygenated and vital physiology.”
Arohananda Ma