spiritual life is life
“Spiritual Life is the Great Religion, the One Yoga of all Bodies and, whether we realise It or not, It is already the case. The fundamental requirement for our Awakened Adherence to Spiritual Life as the means of our daily life, is our Heartfelt mindful acknowledgement that this is already the case. It is our always present, positive and sincere acknowledgement of a Body’s Adherence to and Dependence on the Spirit that invokes the reciprocal relationship between the physical realm and the Spirit, until there is only Union in One”
Spiritual Life is the Very Essence of our bodily existence, the inseparable Nature of our bodily form, no matter what culture, nationality or gender we claim as our identity.
Spiritual Life is not other than the Original Nature of our bodily self-existence. It is not other than Who or What we are. Our physical existence, our individual form is not a someone, a something apart from Spiritual Life. The body is Spiritual Life. It is the creation and representative of Spiritual Life. All existence is the artefact, the result, the work of Spiritual Life - the Spiritual Reality. In truth, there is no division between the physical and the Spiritual. It is our fright and flight into mind that has created the illusion of division, of separateness, of the Spirit being the “other” or apart from ourselves.
What distress and devastation we subject our Wondrous Light Filled bodily form to, with all our frightfully mind-invented, divisive, only bodily-based differences between each other. Furthermore, how we create divisions of Spiritual Life based on bodily difference, rather than harmoniously celebrating our bodily diversity as the Magnificent Eternal Gift of the One All Pervading Spirit.
Spiritual Life is Life. It is a Spiritual Self-Revelatory observation to see/understand the subtle yet vast difference between “practising” Spiritual Life and tacitly already adhering to Spiritual Life. That is, a way of daily life wherein the Spiritual Reality is embedded in our Essence, our psyche, our interactions and our relationships, not merely something believed in or debated, or theoretically discussed. Not something we try to practise.
From this point of view it could be said, and I will say it, the typical usual mind-intellectual approach of one or other “practice” of Spiritual Life is the confession of our presently felt non-adherence in Spiritual Life. When our so called Spiritual practice is something separate, something other than the “way” of our daily lives, our relationships, our economics and our fundamental values, it so very easily becomes another form of ideological rigidity. It becomes a “teaching” rather than a way of life.
Spiritual Life is the Great Religion, the One Yoga of all Bodies and, whether we realise It or not, It is already the case. The fundamental requirement for our Awakened Adherence to Spiritual Life as the means of our daily life, is our Heartfelt mindful acknowledgement that this is already the case. It is our always present, positive and sincere acknowledgement of a Body’s Adherence to and Dependence on the Spirit that invokes the reciprocal relationship between the physical realm and the Spirit, until there is only Union in One.
We are Transformed from our first vital shock encounter with the world, through our physical aspect, reflected in our separative intellectual knowledge which we use to elevate ourselves, to our Higher Centres of Light Being… to Wisdom Heart Knowledge.
Until we Truly understand and adhere to the Spiritual Nature of the Body, we will not respect our own Bodies or the Bodies of others, and of all creatures. These miraculous Bodies are like a protective cloak tailor-made to celebrate the Spirit.
Wade Davis, in his One Humanity Breath-taking book “Light at the Edge of the World” recounts his explorations and submersion in the customs, rituals, stories and the consciousness altering dances and songs of peoples marginalised by western industrialised modernity. He writes: It is not the artist that sings the song, it is the Spirit of the song that sings the artist.
He goes on to say: it is not important nor of ultimate value merely to debate the theoretical veracity of the rituals or teachings or stories but more the point, how the Spirit becomes inseparable from the physical experience of the people in their daily life.
All too often, the “practice” of Spiritual Life - our preferred Spiritual “practice” - rather than the already present adherence to Spiritual Life - only further exacerbates divisions and whips up hostilities and antipathy amongst our One Humanity.
Our modern so-called progressive materialistic values and way of life, and our Spiritual “practice” are two vastly different and often opposing values and belief systems.
But present Spiritual Adherence cannot be extracted from one’s daily life. It informs one’s daily practical life. Spiritual convictions are fused into every aspect of functional daily life.
Enduring Love, unconditional Love, is primarily a Spiritual Force - given a chance it transcends our particular cultural, national or religious boundaries. It is a naturally transmitted quality of our Universal Soul, when we live in Whole Bodily Recognition and Adherence to Spirit. All our labels and categories and meanings collapse in the face of Love.
Then we are True, - we are not self-divided, we are in Harmony with our Self…, with a fluidity that seems to have all of Nature swaying in sympathy.
Adherence to the non-divisible Spirit creates a Humanity in which there is no separation between the sacred and the profane, between the material and the Spiritual. A land where every dance, every song, every action is a particle of the Whole, each gesture a prayer for the survival of the entire community of Humanity. (Wade Davis, Light at the Edge of the World)
Beloved Heart, here I am with You. I find myself in these extravagant conditions, and what can seem sometimes a long history of vastly different lives I have worn and discarded, and all the boundaries crossed that require no passport… just a whole lot of curiosity and courage and love for the Light, the Spirit that is the Life of all and beyond. And still I must excavate the Heart for courage to tread this Path to final disappearance.
The Soul does not need another “teaching,” another religion, another ideology.
We must all be the Midwife of our own Soul
And call to the Soul of others.