Spiritual Life Is in the Cells of the Body
Spiritual beliefs are in the mind
“Every cell of the body has the Primal Urge to go towards the Light; however, the mind is continually interfering with that Spiritual or Light urge. The body’s cells are alive with Light or Universal Life-Force, while the mind is implying an independent separate inner self. The ego-self.”
There are probably as many versions of Spiritual Life or the Practice of Spiritual Life as there are individuals. How often does one hear the remark, “well, you have your truth and I have mine,” or “you have your Spiritual Practice and I have mine”?
Conventionally, who we think or perceive we are is the one arising out of the mind’s brooding reflection and reaction to psycho/physical existence, further solidified according to its worldly indoctrination. It (the mind) thinks of things (or of itself) outside of that Inherent Spirit Unity and in so doing, creates the sense of a separate Being, an inner independent self, someone who is always subject to her or his own separate experience. This self is full of the ego’s (the separate self-sensation) desires, concerns, reactions, goals and defence systems. The mind, it can be said, is a reactive dynamo, always in the habit of learned, reactive thinking.
It is this self, the mind’s created sense of a separate self Being, that provokes (all be it fraudulently, as in self-deceptively) the search for Unity, Enlightenment, Spirit Realisation of Self. However, unless we become Awake to the Spirit-created One, we remain in the constant grip of the mind’s created sense of an independent and threatened self; the ego-self. That self, the one created or implied by the mind, becomes our master and we the slave.
This deceptive master provokes the search but, at the same time, never wants to be found out. It is this mind-created self, this limited and threatened sense of self that provokes the search, the longing for Unity or Love but is always making sure the search never comes to an end. Well, what better way for this Machiavellian master to stay in place than to convince us that the search actually is the Practice of the Spiritual Master, the Truth Condition of All. The search for Spiritual Enlightenment or Unity Consciousness becomes the Practice, which is mistaken for otherwise moment to moment Heart-Felt Love Surrender into the always Present Spiritual Reality of our Human Form and All.
We humans far too often mistake the search for Spiritual Unity or Enlightenment or Love for the Practice of Spiritual Life or Enlightenment or Love. The search becomes each individual’s truth. Whatever method of seeking is used (and there are as many as there are individuals), it becomes (in the mind of the individual) their Spiritual Practice. And it is the search and its constant failure that arouses despondency, dis-satisfaction, blame, shame, guilt, self-defence and abandonment.
We tend to think about Spiritual Practice based on the one we think we are, the one formed in the mind by the mind. It is this mind-created self that must surrender. Well, if you are to relax the mind (which is necessary) in order to Realise the Spiritually Given Self, you will have to have a certain amount of humour to really see how we think we have made up our mind about this or that when, in fact, our mind has made us up.
It is not the Practice of Spiritual Life that frustrates and annoys people and makes them abandon the Practice; it is when their search for Enlightenment or Love or Happiness is confronted or does not give them the results they want. That often makes one disgruntled and condemn whatever they were involved with.
There is a Greater Reality that is You than the mind’s reality of you. However, that Greater Reality cannot be realised by the mind’s reality. It is not the thinking mind (the mind-created self) that Realises the Spirit Unity of Self and All. This GreaterReality is the Spirit or Light or Life-Force that all manifestation is arising out of and depends on. All different appearances are images of the One Spiritual Reality. The body is arising out of the One Universal Spirit (as all manifestation is) and therefore it is the Truth Condition of the body/mind. It is this One Truth Condition we mustLove-Fully acknowledge and honour, and thereby transcend (surrender) our lesser-self (the mind’s identity or ego-self) if we are to Realise this One.
All Nature in all Its forms, all Its images, is the One Great example of Spiritual Life. Every cell of every form is alive with the inherent Urge towards the Light.
All manifest Nature adheres to the One Great Universal Spirit in which, left to ItsSelf, it will flourish and evolve according to the Laws of Light or Spirit. It lives and breathes and procreates and passes away in the Enlightenment of Its Nature; the Spiritual Real.
Our human body is no different, it is given form and function in the One Same Light. Every cell of the human body is alive and bursting with the Spirit or Light-Force; the Truth Condition. The mind, however, with its burdening ego-self ideologies and beliefs and accompanying identities, is not the Truth Condition.
Spiritual Life is the Urge of every cell in the body. It is a biological Urge. Every cell of the body is full of Light, full of Life-Force. Every cell in the body was and is evolved in the Matrix of Light. Every cell is naturally attracted to the Light.
Every cell of the body has the Primal Urge to go towards the Light; however, the mind is continually interfering with that Spiritual or Light urge.
The body’s cells are alive with Light or Universal Life-Force, while the mind is implying an independent separate inner self. The ego-self.
Why is the mind opposed to this work? How is the mind an obstacle to our Spiritual Life Identity? The mind is an expression of our reaction to the conditional aspect of our existence. Its thoughts are predominantly the side-effect of our recoil from the Spiritual Nature of All. The mind reflects our Un-enlightened confrontation with conditions, therefore tending to convey the impression of a separate self-Life, an independent inner self, a someone alone, confronted by all others. This imposter, this invader and coloniser of our Sacred Bodily Being, tends to become the one we refer to when we say “I”. It becomes the master, the tyrannical master.
Spiritual Life or Spiritual Reality Practice is not in It Self a teaching. It is a Way of Life.
It is the Way of Life.
Yes, all manifestation has a limited and different appearance, but all manifestation is an image of the One Spirit, the One Divine Life-Force. All these different looking/appearing bodies are images of the One Living God, the One Mysterious Invisible Life-Force. This must be Truly acknowledged and Heart-fully recognised and thus Realised if one is to cease being controlled by the mind’s tendency to imply and dramatise the sense of a separate-self and all its nagging fault-finding, its unfulfilled attempts to be acknowledged and approved of, to be right and loved. What a burden we put on the Great Self and others.
The body takes its Identity in the same Substance or Source as all Nature. True Self-Responsibility is to recognise we are all images of the One Spirit Being and therefore, on the basis of that True acknowledgement and recognition, we must out-grow or surrender the mind’s egoic self and its unhappy search for its own selfish satisfaction. In other words, True Self-Responsibility is to Love the Spirit Being Force that is the Spiritual Master in order to transcend the mind’s constant and limited implication of who we are.
Consider this. Before You or I ever thought or acted as a Catholic or Hindu, superior or inferior, there was nothing, just the space of Witness - a clear Consciousness.
That space is the Light. To see things again in the Light is to see everything in that space before the Catholic or Hindu or any culture formed our seeing, our lesser perceiving in the mind.
To see again in the Light, to see and perceive in that prior place, is to see with Enlightenment.
Spiritual Life or the Practice of Spiritual Life is the outcome of Love-Fully submitting the ego-self, the sensation of a separate-self, into the Greater Reality of the Light’s or Spiritual Real’s evolutionary Urge and Purpose. Every cell is alive with the evolutionary and thus ego-self transcending Urge towards higher adaptation, while existing in this conditional realm.
True or genuine Spiritual Practice is based in the biological/psychic connection to the Spiritual Reality. It is not based in our “own” separate-self mind thinking.
Will I respond to the Spiritual Reality, the Light urge of the body, or will I react to the mind’s continual grip of a sense of an independent inner threatened self?
To respond or react are two very different things. Both resulting in vastly different effects in the Life of each of us.
Be Awake and Realise You are already the Spiritual Reality.
Now, go about Your conditional existence in the Light.