“How could Sacrificial Love not be good and invigorating and Life Giving for our relationships? What better place to Truly Practise the Art of Sacrificial Love than in a true friendship of our Humanity? All our relationships to all humans and animals and world are the practical theatre for Sadhana - the practice of Sacrificial Love. ”
I am not against any forms of human relationships, nor do I “teach” in any way suggesting some form of celibacy or asceticism or monkhood is necessary in the Process of Awakening. I have not lived a life in singular obsession with myself. My foundational Sadhana was most fundamentally within a householder situation. That is to say, the self-forgoing disciplines required living with and nurturing and providing for three young humans, established a firm practical foundation for the real rigors of the self-transcending Sadhana of Awakening. How on earth could I be against human relationship?
During this last Hermitage Retreat (or Spiritual Infusion Retreat) I made very clear to everyone that our highest human obligation to each other is to be active in the re-generation of transcendental Love. That is, the Life-Force or Spirit or Un-selfish Love that is not limited to our own self-defining - our own individual wants and concerns and so forth. Our highest moral obligation to each other and all nature is to be active transmitters (or Lovers) within the practical (or whole bodily) re-generative process of Life.
At some point, or off and on, we become enthused and excited about the Spiritual Reality and our experiences within the body or beyond the body, and all our possibilities to be enlightened and talking about radical freedom and so forth. And all of that drama is fine as long as our underlying or well-hidden mortal fear is not exposed.
However, it is when through some bodily disease scare or potentially bodily life-threatening prognosis our mortal fear is exposed, so too is our underlying motive of self-concern.
Oh, we love to “make an argument” for the Spiritual Real and the Process involved in Spiritual Awakening and for expressions such as ego-death, but only as long as our arse is covered, only as long as our individualized self-concern is attended to - just as long as we feel emotionally safe.
Emotionally safe from what?
For most humans Spiritual Love (love beyond our mortal-self-identity) or Enlightenment is a wonderful concept or possibility about which one can be, ostensibly at least, excited and seemingly involved in, but only for as long as, or up to the point where one’s own individual particular needs are met. In other words we much prefer some kind of experiential diversion from our mortal fear than to be whole bodily feeling Sacrificial Lovers.
Love is the Sacrifice of our inwardness, our self-concern, and our resistance to another - no matter who or what they are. Love is the Sacrifice of our self-definition. Love is the Sacrifice of our fear of death.
Sacrifice IS acknowledging the Divine, the God-Consciousness or Universal-Consciousness, as many prefer to name it. Sacrifice is whole bodily Love-Surrender (True Acknowledgment) into the Life Process that includes the body-mind and out-lives the body-mind.
The Spiritual Adept is not an objection, not a protestation against human companion relationship. Only the individual who has objections to Sacrificial Love could interpret me that way.
What the Spiritual Adept’s Insight reveals (or is trying to reveal) for those who are Genuine about Awakening from the illusion of individual self and its death is how we “use” our relationships as another experiential diversion from our fear of death. We are all the time wanting to be emotionally safe from death and we will steadfastly defend our individual experiential diversions from the fear of death.
And in this light we will “hear” and “interpret” the Spiritual Adept’s Insight Instructions and “teaching” as being against human lover companionship. Why?
Because the demand to be Sacrificial Lovers confronts our desire for emotional safety within the much preferred experiential diversions (whatever they are) from the fear of death.
Our objections to Being Sacrificial Love are founded in our fear of death. The argument that I am against man - woman or woman - woman or man - man relationship IS the fear of death.
The resistance, the argument against Sacrificial Love is because the Heart-Willingness that is required to do this is yoked to the fear of death.
We can say what we like about spiritual practice and meditation and mantras and enlightenment; however, we can become much more involved at an emotional level in the continuous process of re-generating what are essentially experiential diversions from our fear of death. Our lives, our energy are mostly absorbed in the re-generation of culture, the re-generation of family ideology, the re-generation of traditions (spiritual or otherwise), the re-generation of beliefs and myths (especially about relationship) and the re-generation of objections to Sacrificial Love.
How could Sacrificial Love not be good and invigorating and Life Giving for our relationships? What better place to Truly Practise the Art of Sacrificial Love than in a true friendship of our Humanity? All our relationships to all humans and animals and world are the practical theatre for Sadhana - the practice of Sacrificial Love.
For what reason would one be in an inward disposition when in the company of the Re-generator of Life in our own form?
Our resistance to Being Sacrificial Love IS our resistance to death.
Our resistance to bodily death reveals itself in our resistance or objections to Being Sacrificial Love Transmitters.
The argument of objections is created in our self-consciousness and expressed in our disposition. The volume of our objections is bound in our mortal fear.
I am not against your relationships. I am the Principle of your relationships.
Sacrificial Love must be the Principle of all our relationships.
Open your eyes again to Me, you who come to me. You are not asked to make a choice between your human relationships and Me. There is no such duality in this My Sacrificial Love with You and Your Real Sacrificial Love with Me.