My intention is not to call individuals to this man form but to call them into the Always Present Living Unity of All
“It is very obvious that we humans, who arise out of the same Spirit/Earth Substance as all creatures, must transcend our self-appointed superiority and our fearful conformity to one or other ideology, sect, teaching or identity. To all things that generate a sense of difference, a sense of duality relative to the One All-Pervading Life-Spirit.”
I speak and write not because I want to be popular or create a “new spiritual group,” nor is it my intention to set people off on another search for Truth, God and Self. I am moved to speak and write and, to the best of my ability, Live our One Humanity Identity because I see clearly that we humans need to awaken to the One Noble Moral Universe of Nature.
If we are to Live in bodily peace, if we are to enjoy the wonder of our existence, if we are to allow the body/mind to Be the body of Love, we must allow the body to rest in its Native Ground, rather than being tormented by the imposter mind. The mind must allow the body’s natural urge to abide in Heart-felt Communion in and with the One Life of All.
It is not so much that we must try to eliminate fear or suppress it but rather allow the enduring sweet courage of Life’s Nature, your True Nature, to resist the fear taking us over.
All physical existence is birthed, sustained and consumed in the One Universal Life-Force.
I have a body, You have a body and these bodies carry the seed of their death. These bodies are servants within the Process of the Great Spirit/Earth alchemy and carry the seed of fear. It is a natural component, a necessary ingredient for the work of evolution.
It is very obvious that we humans, who arise out of the same Spirit/Earth Substance as all creatures, must transcend our self-appointed superiority and our fearful conformity to one or other ideology, sect, teaching or identity. To all things that generate a sense of difference, a sense of duality relative to the One All-Pervading Life-Spirit.
We must begin now, not later, not after we head off to the next happy …
There can be no doubt that a greater degree of self-enquiry, self-inspection, self-uncovering - with Heart-felt affection for the Spirit-Being we and all creatures are - must begin to effect a revolution in every aspect of our daily life and relationships.
All humans, all creatures and all existence arise out of the One Spirit-Force of Nature. This is our Earthly Home and, being so, we are obliged to conform to the Moral Universe of Nature.
Beloved Heart, go gentle into this world. Take your time. So many voices, so many ideologies telling you Life is about this or that, “hey, we have done this for millennia, so just do as you are told.” So many ancient holy books, ancient prophets and super-human miracle workers to believe in, associate with and worship. Well, of course we can worship them, they are not of today. So many others, so many things to believe in, except Your Self.
Be aware how much we humans swear allegiance to and pay righteous homage to one or other historical figure and/or method of spiritual belief, rather than taking up the Greater Self-Responsibility of un-covering and dis-covering our always Present Un-qualified Spiritual Self Being. And, then Living our daily human Life from that Ground.
Beloved, You have You, and You have today, and You hold the Wisdom of Life in every moment. You have come into existence fresh as a new flower, innocent as the silence, playful as the wind. What a pity, what a blight on our Divine Nature to be so quickly stuffed into someone else’s clothes, someone else’s ideology. What’s more, we are expected, even commanded, to have sympathy for and swear our loyalty to the uniform, to some ideological identity.
Though there may well be, and often are, wise sayings and beneficial customs embroidered through every religion and culture, we tend to cling to the rituals, customs and sayings we have been taught, as a way of reinforcing our identity with that particular religion/society/culture. What a pity, what a shame.
I am not suggesting we throw the baby out with the bath water. I am asking this: to whom or what is our Heart-felt sympathy and empathy directed? Always when we lose sympathy and empathy with our Inherent Unity with the Divine Nature Process of the world, we cling ever tighter to whatever we have clothed the naked body of Love in. We have made the difference and the difference sets us apart and whatever we have set apart tends to occupy our Conscious Attention. We tend to declare, I am this or that. Not merely I AM.
Beloved Heart, what have we done? Where have we gone?
We are Spirit made Flesh, as all existence is. Here we are, in Truth Nature’s Creatures, and yet we can live as slaves to society’s moral distinctions, differences and judgements rather than serving the Noble Moral Universe of Nature.
Yes, I can cry for humanity for many reasons and the greatest of them all is how we prevent the meeting of our Very Heart Being with each other because we shut each other out with our apparently sacred traditions, our cultures, our myths, our gurus, our teachings, and our “own” relationships of ownership with each other.
Every one of us is born a new and glorious expression of the One Living Nature Heart, Alive and True in our first moment of existence and always now. Always now. Beloved Heart, there is no greater Wisdom behind you or ahead of you. No matter your gender, no matter the colour of your skin, no matter how much or how little knowledge you have of the world, you are Spirit made Flesh and being so, you are the Present Body of Wisdom.
Look about, quietly observe with no self-defense and let Your Self reflect. Let Your Self Be.
Go back, look at your training, find out the mind that thinks you are this or that or how you should be like some other. What a curse it is that we narcissistically compare our unique Self to someone else.
Does the tree remind you of You? Does the volcano remind you of You? Does the silence remind you of You? Does the wild noble beast remind you of You? And where are their traditions? Where and what is their religion? Who or what do they imitate?
Why are we so afraid of the Only Life Living Self? Why do we insist on imposing shackles on the Aboriginal Self?
All the different human-concocted worldly identities we put on, every one of them was constructed in the minds of men long ago. All a façade. Beloved, you are the body of Nature, you were born of Nature’s Pleasure. Our Humanness, our Humanity flourishes within the intelligence of the Moral Universe of Nature. Reflect on this My Love. There is no one like you. Why do we measure and judge our Unique Bodily Being with others’ opinions, judgements, and beliefs? Well, mostly because we have been told we must become someone, we must prove our Self, we must be useful to the unforgiving, relentless machine of society.
Yes Beloved, I found You buried alive in me. I found You in every land, animal, sound and silence. No matter the social premise, no matter the culture, no matter the time or place, high or low I found You always there.
And I found You in this modern calamity of squalid consumerism.
But it seems we are determined to make the Great Self Discovery difficult for ourselves and each other. So many stories, so many traditions, so many minds laying down the way before you can be at Home with Your Self. So many beliefs and customs and teachings to imitate, rather than being still and uncovering the Present One You Are.
How cruel we are to set the Living God Nature apart, as something or someone we must strive towards. For example, many are told and believe that just one human, Mary the mother of Christ, was preserved free from the effects of the sin of Adam (you know that damn stain, that somewhere-in-the-past impurity in us called “original sin”) from the first instant of her conception- the immaculate conception. Well, where does that leave you and me? Are the rest of us the un-washed, the ones assigned to a life of forever trying, forever struggling to be that “perfect?” No wonder many of us feel we have failed even before we have begun.
Dearest Beloved Heart, what have we done to the Self? All Beings, all things are conceived and birthed without sin. There is not a tree nor creature that seeks forgiveness for existing. And if the tree does bow to the Earth, it does so in accordance with the Natural Forces in it and around it. It is not a bow or a prayer to effect a private result. It is not a private appeal to a particular tree god, all of which supposes duality- non-Unity. A tree begins grounded in the Radiant Spirit/Earth and grows up in the Light. We are no different. But we have made a difference, a tragic difference.
The tree, the beast, the insect and the mountain are grounded in the Spirit/Earth of their birth in order to display and express, with dignity, their unique shape, character, sound and gaze. Every form of existence is its own new moment in the One Living Nature. It does not cling to nor force on others any particular historical tradition, as though it cannot be a dog or tree or alligator unless it adheres to a certain set of traditional beliefs and customs.
This is the bravery, the courage and dignity I have long admired in Nature’s Creatures big and small. Oh Beloved, what have we done to them? We deny them at our peril. We deny them and abuse them because we think they are lesser. Because they do not know and admire our apparently intelligent and profound traditions. I mean, do they know Jesus, Krishna, Zoroastrianism, Non-dualism and, oh, I won’t mention the Pleiadeans. We deny their True Nature because we have denied ourselves our True Spirit/Earth Nature. We have clothed our Divine Self in worldly ideological garments and, in so doing, cast ourselves out of the Wisdom Garden, in which all other Spirit/Earth Creatures live.
Yes, Dearest Beloved, as the narrator/song said in the film (The Velvet Queen) “they (all other creatures) are observing us…” They are observing us from within their Gracious Noble Spirit/Earth Dignity, while we seek them, hunt them, tag them and kill them.
No animal is a saint or a bastard. No human is a saint or a bastard. Oh, there is no doubt we humans seem to strive to be one or the other. It seems we are trying to be someone or something the whole time and telling others how they need to try harder. Yet, we are all the Radiant Living Spirit/Earth’s Creatures.
However, unlike us, every animal’s Life on this Earth is conformed to and regulated by Nature, so much so that I very much doubt they are at all interested in trying to be a saint or a bastard.
What a pity we allow the mind to contaminate our rapport with Love. Well, you see, to experience that rapport we must conform our intelligence within acculturation to a life in Love, rather than acculturation to a life in an ideology. What indignity we suffer when we do not allow ourselves the space and time to listen so very deeply, quietly, affectionately to Our Very Being Heart Self and Trust It above all else.
I, too, must do the same....for as long as I dwell with this bodily servant.
I do not need people to remember me. That is not the Work. This desire, this motive, this work that runs through the Heart is for the purpose of creating a Circumstance, a Place, a Native Ground, where present and future people, if they wish, can come to feel a place that has nothing to do with ideologies – be they spiritual, cultural or social, be they eastern or western points of view. A place set aside as Sacred.
A Sacred Place is a Place of no seeking. An Earthly Living Circumstance where the individual can begin to still the mind and recognise she/he is already in the Present Living God State, already and always, like all creatures, involved in the Great Process that IS Life. Now let us remind each other of this constantly.
That is....let us Love one and other.