Love, Courage, Compassion and Humour arise in the Confidence of Spirit not in the arrogance of intellect
“I have come to be clear about this and say as much for all humanity, and I will not be silent about it. The State actually makes you lose Consciousness and therefore lose your Innate Intelligence, Courage and Humour. The State actively depletes you of your own Bodily Wisdom Intelligence, your own Core Nature Values particular to whatever Nature has decreed for Your Bodily Being to take care of. You are not meant to even trust your self.”
Freedom is a matter of Self-Responsibility and not a matter of any authority giving it to you. And real Self-Responsibility is founded on the individual’s growing awareness and understanding and realisation of her or his dependence on Nature.
Understand well: True Freedom only comes within the Process of our Love-Full Submission into the Life-Being we all depend on. The True or Real maturation of the human takes place within the understanding and constant communion with the Life-Principle that all existence depends on. In this we discover our Real Intelligence, our Courage and our Freedom to Be.
When we, the people, do not wake up to and take up our Spirit-Based Moral Obligations, Duties and Education within our Nature-Inherited Existence, we give away our True Self Sovereignty and thereby elect to be ruled by others.
When we the people, birthed of Nature’s Pleasure, do not adhere to the Profound Intelligence of our Nature-Inherited Existence, which is our bodies’ Innate Intelligence, we fail to recognize our intrinsic Value. In not recognizing and Realising our inborn worthiness, we abandon our Self and thereby unconsciously become slaves to whatever worldly power we depend on to create some kind of order.
In fact, we ourselves, in our abandonment of our Innate Nature’s Intelligence, create State masters on whom we come to depend.
Without being aware of it, we very quickly become slaves or obedient servants to some outer authority and when we do that, we become despicable to our Self. You see, the slave - the follower - is one who accepts authority as a means of achievingwhat is promised by the leader, or the political or religious system, merely because she/he has not yet discovered the Truth of the Self Being. Yet the body tells you when you have let Your Self down.
State governments down through time have never been interested in the Spiritual and physical health of the people. And this present-day government or political system is no different. It does not want you to think deeply for your self nor ask any questions that might undermine its political hegemony. You can get as unhealthy as you like, as depressed as you like, as long as you do not disrupt the political/economic ideology. In which case a quick jab in the bum is about all the State thinks of you.
Sadly, well disgracefully, we are conditioned from childhood to conform to all kinds of authority we have no idea about or whose interests they speak for. We are merely intimidated and forcefully indoctrinated to bond with a fear-motivated mob mentality; a mentality drenched in fear. From very young we are given to believe that discipline is something to do with conformity, rather than the discovery of Love, Courage, Understanding and Compassion.
People tend to follow and develop what they assume is the way, based on their fear and hence their dependence on a parent authority, with whom they have, at the same time, an ambiguous want you, don’t want you, relatedness.
Nothing much has changed in the last few thousand years in this regard. The mass populace is merely expected, well demanded, to work for the good of the nation, the empire - that is, whatever the masters decree that to be.
At present, everyone is expected to bow down and break their back and Spirit in service to the wellbeing of economic growth and this hideously money-grubbing, distorted word prosperity.
We are all expected to stop Living, roll up our sleeves and muck in and, if not, well, State governments have always had their methods to divide and conquer.
It has never been in State governments’ interests to grow the populace beyond the fear that creates a compulsive survival mentality, which in turn produces a population disconnected from any greater reality than the reactive needs and demands of each self-centered individual, whose main desire is to acquire the illusory happiness promised by the State guardians of economic growth.
In fact, as long as an individual is governed by fear and kept busy, the mind remains based on the most superficial awareness of their own Life and all Existence.
As an obedient servant to the system, you are not meant to question deeply; your mind must remain available to accommodate the rulers’ realities and how they decree things to be. In any case, the usual individual is already in a certain state of self-doubt and fear about her or his Life and, therefore, wants someone or anything to give them the illusion of safety and certainty.
Again, we are conditioned from childhood not to believe in our Self, not to value our Nature’s Being, not to be Spiritually Alive but, rather, to be passively obedient to those who claim to know what is best for us.
Without us being aware, our primary mode of Existence has been obliterated from our Consciousness. We have forsaken and forgotten our True dependence on Nature, which includes the Joy and Real Freedom of our Inherent Nature’s Intelligence. We are merely immature and foolish to expect State government servants to be interested in our Higher Human Potential. Those in political power have always been solid types, materialistic types, power and control types, people who think they know a better way to order our fear and slavery. They love their pompous grandstanding.
They will have you believe that our primary mode of Existence is based on economic growth, making a profit, buying lots of stuff, indulging in endless entertainment and barbeques after footy.
State governments preach a false concept of freedom, one that promises its obedient work-force better times ahead. But, in fact, this government - as any government, no matter its name - is only interested in reducing the population to an orderly machine of production. A machine of production that exploits every individual’s fearful self-centered survival greed, that fundamentally only promotes the fragmentation of a population in a way of ever-increasing chaos. We try to conform to the rules with a bewildered chaotic deformity. Such a society becomes antithetical to Human Growth and True Well Being; it’s all about economic growth.
True politics is in the sphere of our interrelatedness to and communion with Nature,the Source of our bodily Existence and interconnectedness to each other, no matter what your skin colour, religion or worldly political preference.
I suggest, however, this is not the meaning or concept people understand or associate with the word ‘politics.’
The only reason the State can exploit us is our already fear-based self-idea and our childish dependence on a parent figure, who we hope will tell us what to do and how to Live. Have we not noticed the State, and those who serve the State, have never been remotely interested in the True Nature of Human Existence. They are not Wisdom Adepts, they are political scientists who manoeuvre economic units (that’s human beings) in order to win approval and popularity from their bewildered followers merely so they can remain in power. They govern with the arrogance of an intellect inflated with fear.
The population under State command is so battered down that the majority lie and wait for official permission to believe this or that, all the way through to when they can relax and laugh, let alone being allowed to be Master of your own body.
I have come to be clear about this and say as much for all humanity, and I will not be silent about it.
The State actually makes you lose Consciousness and therefore lose your Innate Intelligence, Courage and Humour. The State actively depletes you of your own Bodily Wisdom Intelligence, your own Core Nature Values particular to whatever Nature has decreed for Your Bodily Being to take care of. You are not meant to even trust your self. According to the State and its acolytes, that would be dangerous. However, the most dangerous position is to place your trust in the State government.
When a political-economic ideology claims to be the sole authority and source of information that one must adhere to, know well the signs of a dictatorship. Upon hearing a Prime Minster declare you should only listen to the information they provide and no other, know well this is the clear expression of dictatorship. False authority is any authority that imposes knowledge onto a society and demands they follow it.
State government promotes the loss of your Consciousness, the loss of your Natural Bodily Wisdom.
All the mostly misunderstood Spiritual Adepts, Women and Men, do not make you lose Consciousness. However, they Work outside the conventional political machine in the endeavour to make you Conscious so that you will Realise your Self and therefore participate in the Abundant, Radiant, All-Pervading Life of You. Then, You will Truly know how to Live and how to Die.