Letters to a beloved heart
“Remember, your greatest duty is to serve those attributes Nature has invested in you. Be the Beloved and Guardian of your Temple, your bodily Being. Do not move too far away from Home. The further you move from Home, the more your Home becomes available to be tenanted by unhappiness, doubt, unworthiness, guilt and shame. Before long, you will not want to be at Home because your tenants are there.”
Beloved Heart, I have enough to do attending to matters which, by Nature’s decree, belong to my bodily Being without inviting in the jostling, confused crowd of others’ affairs to trample in this Temple: Nature’s Bodily Temple. And so it is the same for you. You will find you have enough to do attending to the matters Nature has bestowed upon you, without meddling in others’ affairs.
Remember, your greatest duty is to serve those attributes Nature has invested in you. Be the Beloved and Guardian of your Temple, your bodily Being. Do not move too far away from Home. The further you move from Home, the more your Home becomes available to be tenanted by unhappiness, doubt, unworthiness, guilt and shame. Before long, you will not want to be at Home because your tenants are there.
Be wedded to few things, thus leaving true passion and dedication to all that Nature asks of you. In this way, your vision will be clear, your perception of Self will be untainted and receptive. Your attention will be devoted to serving the Real Life of You. This is the secret of how to Live. Yes, we can know many things, how to operate a business, how to make money, how to say I love you and yet not know how to Live.
Do not take up anything that makes you a slave to another and despicable to your Self.
Nurture and Protect the Spirit’s Freedom and your Self, and All.
Know well, even those who encourage you and demand that you become busy with popular daily human affairs, they too want to be free of it, they too have not found happiness in the trappings of their own making.
Be aware not to be seduced by the popular assumption that being busy and important is a sign of competence, success and worthiness. A human can do all that and still not know how to Live.
What is your sweet Nature to you if you are not able to use it in everyday life? It is only society and others opinions that prevent it.
Yes, Beloved Heart, You are right; there are so many misleading authorities, fear- mongering beliefs and fanatical egoic personal opinions, that the surest way is to glide rather lightly over the surface of this world. Do not let Your Self become bogged down in it. Do not let Your Self be cruelly troubled by the desires and expectations of others. And, most of all, discover the roots of your own expectations and whether they truly serve the Sweet Nature of Your Being.
Yes, there are burdens here in this conditional realm you find Your Self in, but do not make them part of Your bodily Being. I have long noticed that the customs and practices of society/culture sweep the human along but do not be swept along facing backwards. Whichever way I went, I found myself obliged to break through some barriers of social, cultural and religious customs. And I was rarely liked for it. This is all the more reason we must be committed to our Truth Condition.
Beloved, understand well: with a strong and vigorous Spirit one can forge a Foundation in one’s bodily life that enables one to enjoy the pleasures of the Natural body at every age. In other words, since age removes those pleasures we fancied in each stage, one will have the True Foundation on which to enhance and nurture and enjoy those pleasures, which are left, and the new ones that arise in Peace.
At every stage, You will know how to Live. You must, because this is to Honour the Gift Nature has Given and, what’s more, smile now because soon the body will be ashes, a ghost, something for others to tell tales about.