Beloved Heart,
the more the Only I of this body-mind becomes increasingly hopeless in the Power of Love, I see there is no Ecstasy except in Love......
“We are part of a Great and Mysterious Process that is entirely within the Laws of Spirit or Energy. However, we are not generally in easeful collaboration with the Spiritual Nature of the body, and all existence.”
We are so often disposed to express how we want to live our life or how “I just want to be myself.” Yet, if we stop and be still for a while, we will come to see and to feel we are Lived. Whatever our belief system or our individual sense of self, there is no question, no real question, that a Greater Reality, a transcendent or beyond our individual-self Life-Force Exists… the entire affair of world and all creatures depend on it for their existence. The body is Lived - no matter what our thoughts or beliefs are.
We are part of a Great and Mysterious Process that is entirely within the Laws of Spirit or Energy. However, we are not generally in easeful collaboration with the Spiritual Nature of the body, and all existence.
We have been conditioned, trained how to think, not merely what we think but how we think. From the time we are born, our subtle psycho/physical form becomes subjected to those who perceive they “own” us, to those who call us their own. Before we have time to meet our Self, we are indoctrinated into one or other club of the human species. This deepest conditioning takes many twists and turns at the level of behaviour, but the deepest form of conditioning is at the level of mind. Implanted in the new-born innocent mind is the method of training related to each club’s preferred idea of self.
The mind is trained to think what you are, who you are. Implanted in the mind is the modus operandi, the methodology, the formula that churns out “the how” of us, the “who” of who we think we are. The mind is trained to think what you are, who you are. The Inherently Innocent Spirit “I” (that actually Lives the body) becomes forgotten, lost or no longer mind-fully recognised by a mind constantly subjected to the customary, compulsory indoctrination - in order to comply with and obey an outer bodily-based identity. This conditioned mind-self is the one we refer to as “I”. It is the mind-created “I”.
It is this mind-self “I” that comes to dominate our Life. It is constantly busy seeking ways to confirm itself, to validate itself. In fact almost every conversation, every encounter with another represents the hazardous opportunity to either confirm our mind-self “I” or have it rejected. Most generally, we play the outer behavioural game of appearing to be interested in the other, while inwardly we are habitually self-defining… clinging to the mind-created “I” and its protection.
But, you see, the body knows nothing of all that. Oh, I am not saying it is not affected by the mind-created-self incessantly interfering with it. I am declaring (on behalf of the body of Wisdom) the body is Lived regardless of the mind-created-self “I”. The body is Lived regardless of whatever mind-self -“I” wants for confirmation of itself. The body is the body of Life and is therefore the body of Wisdom. The body “I” is the One “I” of all bodies, no matter what club you “belong” to, no matter what belief system you adhere to, no matter what idea you have of your-self. In fact and in Truth, the body has no interest whatsoever in the mind’s created self.
The “I” we use to refer to our self is an identity created in the mind, not the body. However, this mind-formed “I” exerts a Life-denying force on the body. What is meant by this? The mind-created “I”, the “I” we think we are, is constantly imposing a behavioural expectation on the body, a behaviour that accords with and supports the mind’s idea of self, thus preventing the body’s Natural and Intuitive Affectionate Communion with and in Life. Rather than adhering to and enjoying the Body’s Natural Life-Evolved Intelligence, we insist on clinging to a separate-from-Life “I”, a self-idea created in the mind… a mind-created “I” that is always in dilemma of itself.
It is this “I” - the mind-created self-identity - that seeks approval, that looks for validation and confirmation from others and yet, of course, is never satisfied. The dilemma, the frustration, of our mind-self “I” is that it believes it can free itself from its own created self-consciousness, its own doubt and fear.
But, truly, as any Free Being Realiser will testify, it takes a Great Quality of Love, greater than one’s individual self-idea, greater than relevance to one’s assumed individual mind, to allow the body-mind its Natural Life Communion Sensations.
Rather than our thoughts serving the conditioned mind-created-self, our thoughts must Serve the Spirit, That which the body/mind is arising in and dependent on.
Then, and only then are we restored to Unity, and therefore to the Natural Pleasure of the Wisdom Body’s un-threatened moments.
Well My Dearest Beloved Heart
as the Sun remains steadfast in the unknown
and our Earth Guardian moves and spins around It
as Flowers open their fragile arms to receive the Sun
and then wither in Life Complete
as the Oceans move across the unmapped terrain of the Deep
as the Stars, the Light we see
in the dark transmitted thousands of years ago
as a blade of Grass is the Summation of the Life of this body also
and as another Baby of any creature
is born into this Mysterious Circumstance
and as the Light will leave these eyes
to Shine through You and All again and again
and just as who knows where the Air comes from or goes
there You are also without beginning or end
and just as Sadness and Joy break every Heart open
to feel our temporary existence
as a word can be a spear
a word can also be the sustenance of Love
and as every kind of dark mood can blow through Your Temple
every kind of Unexpected Blessing will be there too
as the beggar cloaks the mystic
and the king cloaks the beggar,
do not be misled My Innocent Heart
as the body breathes without a name
so too are You nameless in God the Real
do not worry about the days of weakness,
rise up on the days of Courage
to be Your Best without the need to prove it
Beloved Heart we are all so Deeply and Intimately One
in the Very Same Mysterious Process
of the Eternal Great Unfolding Spirit