I move now with ever more bodily absorbed tenderness in Life
“Our inherent and higher emotional intelligence is not educated (in other words stimulated and enhanced) in our schools or our self-centered economic political way of life. It is very rarely even mentioned in our so-called relationships with each other. It is not the moral compass of our brief sojourn in this conditional realm.
Our inherent emotional intelligence has drowned in the chronic toxicity of self-intoxication.”
I move now with ever more bodily absorbed tenderness in Life. I have dismantled all the arguments in myself that humans still persist in for their own self-satisfaction. I am increasingly left as naked as I was born. I feel like my emotions come from the bowels of this earth and the eternity of time and space.
There is a profound difference between the will to understand for the purpose of humanistic cooperation and free association, based in our natural-self enlightenment, and the will to understand in order to gain self-gratification, acknowledgement, power and control.
The latter will to understand, is the will provoked by the common sensation of a separate conscious or spiritual self. It is the cult of self. When the cult of self becomes the only collective social imperative, a society or culture becomes atomized or fractured into fragments of many disconnected and unsympathetic parts. In such a circumstance our higher emotional intelligence is supplanted by the mere search for facts and information that we hope will accelerate our own individual success.
The sensation of individualized consciousness (merely because of the separate bodily self) is the root cause of the materialistic pornification of our society and intellect.
Individuals become set apart from each other in the race towards individual satisfaction, power and control. We are degraded to being pawns in each other’s search for satisfaction.
Cautious enjoyment of each other is generally only experienced on occasions where we are individually absorbed in entertainment stimulation, or whenever we obtain self-gratifying attention and agreement. And, of course, it is minimal and fleeting.
In such a culture or society, where emotional intelligence is all but eradicated, or at least deemed worthless, the fear and anxiety of not obtaining the official critical information for success becomes the rational reasoning for our actions and thoughts and way of life. The population tends to turn in on itself wherein it imagines it is continually threatened.
This uninspected threat is then so easily manipulated and exploited not only by those in power but one against the other.
Our inherent and higher emotional intelligence is not educated (in other words stimulated and enhanced) in our schools or our self-centered economic political way of life. It is very rarely even mentioned in our so-called relationships with each other. It is not the moral compass of our brief sojourn in this conditional realm.
Our inherent emotional intelligence has drowned in the chronic toxicity of self-intoxication.
We now exist in a moment of our own grave and serious consequences where there is no one else to rely on but ourselves. It is not a matter of more knowledge or more experience, or more of anything at all. It is a matter of awakening and stimulating and exercising our inherent emotional intelligence that is the intelligence of nature.
We have abandoned our Sacred Duty.
Life is a Sacred Duty. Your life is a Sacred Duty. I am not, initially, talking about something you do, or rituals you perform, or “good works” and so forth. Life It Self is a Sacred Duty.
Just so then, we must become committed to acts of moral resistance based on our devotion to the Sacred Duty inherent in Life.
We are not here to make money. We are not here to gain power and control. We are not here to be individually successful. We are not here to try and get happy.
By your physical birth you are here to affirm the forces of Life. That is our Sacred Duty.
Whatever does not affirm the forces of Life affirms the forces of inertia and death.
A society configured in the way of egoic consciousness becomes a machine that affirms the forces of destruction and death.
Do your everyday conversations stimulate and affirm the forces of Free Life?
When a society has become machine-regulated by rapacious corporate profit violence, emotional intelligent dissention becomes a necessary revolutionary act.
Enlightenment is the process of dissention. It is an emotional intelligent rebellion. (Do not confuse the Sadhana of Awakening with a body beautiful yoga retreat designed to open up the sexual portals, thereby enabling conscious authentication with ancient sacred libidinous miracle-working deities!!!) Not that I am against wholesome fun with a few cranky old blasphemous eccentrics.
Rebellion is an act of faith in so much as it does not ask what is practical and it does not ask even if it can succeed. It calls for an almost mystical belief that we are called to always keep alive – the Life Affirming Unity of all.
Real rebellion is not about what we achieve, but what it allows us to become.
It is only self-centeredness that makes the excuse it’s not going to make a difference; or it will take more than one lifetime.
The true dissenter is not driven forward by a vision; she or he is already the vision.
Dissenters throughout time and on into present and future time are always the ones that kick the arse of the comfortable mind. They are the ones that are prepared to throw away their culture, their comfortable life, their reasons to live, their need to be liked, their need to be attractive to the bodily based fashion society….
I am not here to make anybody feel good or bad. I am here to stir people out of their lethargy, their confounded inertia, their lazy human-come-lately life styles and their self-absorption by pointing out how to think and act in a Universe rather than in an individual mind.
I find myself here to point out to people their habits and tendencies and relationships, and thinking and conversing, that obstruct their inherent worth and real emotional intelligence.
I am here to kick their arse off their lazy self-indulgent consolations and drag them into a far wider stimulation and integration of human life within Life.
I am not a nice man, I am a Universal man. I am a wild man, I am a free being. I am a man of the entire world. I am not a domesticated man. I am not a man for all people. I am not even a man for those I love.
But, for those who truly love me, then they will know the same One in their great Self.
And, knowing the same One in their own Self they will fall out of all the conventional manipulation and control games with me…they will resort to Crazy Love.
Now, that is on the other side of egoic self.