I Exist in Your Love, the Same Place You Exist
“Every individual’s body looks towards its Spirit Keeper like a Lover, while the mind looks for the Lover in the world. In the midst of the mind’s noise, the Bodily Being desires Its Life-Given Sweet Nature that does not have to, nor need to, try and be a good person, an outstanding student, a socially approved human. All those outer worldly or socially contrived goals degrade, suppress and ruin our already Gorgeous Life-Given Sweet Nature.”
I am merely human lived by the Free Forces of Nature, the All-Abiding Spirit Life-Force that is the Rightful Master of all forms.
And being so, I sway and bend and sing, and moan and groan in the wind and sun. I come Alive so far outside the inventions of the human affair that sometimes, even toutter the words of this Being is trespass enough, and I retire away from the world to Restore the Self.
Those who find me offensive, too intense or unreasonable are only reacting to the fact that most have lived with no role models for the Mystic Life in Love, compounded by the socially enforced lack of self-esteem. And this breaks the Heart. This breaks my Heart.
I offer no excuse nor apology for this body/mind’s Passion and Intensity of Being. I am not here to save this Being’s form, I am here for the Restoration of the Being that Lives all forms: that One that is the Beloved, the Lover and the Loved. Beloved Hearts, the Mystic Life in Love cannot be expressed in the vernacular language of cold hard facts, that people tend to lean into.
Yes, I can be disturbed and shaken around when I see all the people, all the children from all the past and present and those yet to come, moving in circles around the Sun of their own Being and not Recognising their Very Sweet Self. Not Realising that One because they are looking for their Very Self in all kinds of distractions designed by others who are also looking for their Self.
Sweet Beloved Hearts, will we stop long enough, silently enough, to begin to See and Meet the Sweet Wild Free Beloved Being calling You to Your Own?
I cannot make arrangements with those who have not begun to make Arrangements with their Very Self in God the Real: in Life. It is just not possible of me. However, most people want to make arrangements with the form of the Guru, the form alone of the “other”.
And today I feel so very much for all these Souls that make their way to Beloved Tushita Ashram-Hermitage. I See in My Silence their Inherent Being wanting to come forth, wanting the body/mind to Know It. Every individual's body looks towards its Spirit Keeper like a Lover, while the mind looks for the Lover in the world. In the midst of the mind’s noise, the Bodily Being desires Its Life-Given Sweet Nature that does not have to, nor need to, try and be a good person, an outstanding student, a socially approved human. All those outer worldly or socially contrived goals degrade, suppress and ruin our already Gorgeous Life-Given Sweet Nature.
I must tell you, not argumentatively certainly, but with affectionate reverence, everything manifest is continually forming – constantly in flux. The earth is still forming, the universe is still forming, and You and I are still forming without end.
And it is the Free Force of Nature – the Life-Force – that is the Rightful Master of all changes, all forming. It is this Great All-Abiding Unobstructed Energy or Spirit that is not limited by the saving of its own forms. This Unblocked Life-Force is Love.
However, the mind tends to imply the existence of a self, an inner self, separate from Life, separate from the Great All-Abiding Spirit Force that Lives and changes all forms.
Most of us humans are continually in the grip of this sensation of an independent (from Life) - therefore existentially threatened - self. We fasten ourselves, by the mind, to self-isolation.
Ah Beloved where are You now? We tend not to turn around and discover You, we look for You in all manner of things and beliefs and distractions way beyond our Inherent means. We do not tend to Fall into Love with the One Free Being of our form and all forms but, rather, we tend to fall into the search – the search for You somewhere in the world, in others, in the stories, in our distracting romantic spiritual make-believe. Oh, and the search begins in earnest, it becomes our preeminent occupation. You see, this seemingly separate-from-Life inner self, this enclosed self, is existentially very lonely and thus motivated to seek connections/relationships with what turn out to be other equally enclosed inner selves… and so the negotiations begin, on and on and on.
Beloved Heart, stay steady with me; these Insights sometimes flicker elusively, and I must stay still to allow them to take me. To wait and Listen, and not interject with the pretence of confusion, which is only an excuse not to be Free Willingly Absorbed into the Mystic Life of Love. The Realisation in Love is always forming, more and more without end, and the death of the body is part of the constant change of forms.
So, Dearest Heart, do not degrade Your Self, do not get down on Your Self in the midst of all that has come upon You since the Sweet days of Your beginning, Your Divine Innocence in Your Inherent Gorgeous Life Nature.
You and I must be Brave enough, Love Fully Passionate enough, beyond just saving our own form enough to keep Alive the Word, the Siddhi, the Realisation, the Grace of Transmission, in order that those who are coming and those who are yet to come and, those upon whose shoulders the world will inevitably fall, are afforded the time and space that is necessary to grow with confidence in the Wisdom of their already Life-Given Nature Being.
I, too, am only Nature’s Human and being so, I will sway and bend and sing, and moan and groan and cry, and laugh and rise and fall in the Wonder and Awe of the Only Being.
I, too, must Be Brave.
My Love.