From Letters to a Young Heart
“You have come into Existence by and through the Agency of Life-Regenerative Energy and That Great Being that You are is far beyond the intelligence of the human brain-mind. ”
Beloved Heart, as You move amongst the conditions in this world may they not seduce You into Conscious neglect of Your Very Heart Being.
You have come into Existence by and through the Agency of Life-Regenerative Energy and That Great Being that You are is far beyond the intelligence of the human brain-mind.
Oh, Sweet Beloved Heart, You are the Beauty, the Wonder, the Gratitude, the Courage, the Love of Life It Self.
Do not squander Your Real Inheritance.
You will lose it in the hidey-hole of the personal-self - that one that manoeuvres around Life in a shabby disguise.
Gracious Being, by whatever others named You, these Qualities are the Qualities of Life, the Life that Lives the body-mind. Be as You Are.
Do not measure Your Self against the frenetic unconscious demands of humans, who have reduced these Qualities to "something we try to be" within the human affair.
My Love, do not let these Qualities of You be measured by the maddening human affair.
Do not let the Spirit dry out in materialism.
You are already the Qualities of the Life that Lives all Existence, whether You engage in the human affair or not.
Remember, Beloved Heart, there is not any moment that is a self-defining moment. There is no conclusion to You. There is only the constant fluid movement of the always present Life-Regenerative Energy. And You are that One of All.