from letters to a young heart
“I did not find My Self in the society - in the common endeavour. I found My Self in the Laws of Nature. I did not Realise the Self within the civilized laws, the social laws, the laws of religions and culture. I did not fight them; I committed them to silence in order to hear the Laws of Nature, the Laws of Life inherent in the body.”
When I declare we have separated our self from Nature, I am not merely referring to the fact, even though it is true, that we live in a supermarket world unrelated to the source of our food. Nor am I alluding to the soft comfort of our dwellings almost hermetically sealed from nature.
I am calling attention to our deep emotional and psychological severance from the Primal Nature of the body. The path of modern civilisation leads us out of the body and into the mind; a mind indoctrinated with social/political/religious laws, not the Laws of Life. What a nonsense we become, in a mind separated from the Primal body. Our wonderful Universal body, a body impregnated with the seeds of Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Whether the ego “I” mind likes it or not, the body adheres to and obeys the Laws of Life – the Laws of Nature. But does our “way of life” support the Laws of Nature?
Furthermore and ultimately, we must ask our self: What do we mean by “Spiritual Practice?” What are we doing? What are we trying to do or be? With what “identity” are we talking about Spiritual Practice, let alone “using” in the Process of Spiritual Practice?
The body is the Law of Nature; can we say the same of the mind, the mind that creates the personalised self? Is it the conditioned mind we use to Understand Spiritual Life (well, that which Life is – Spirit) or is it the Inherent Bodily Laws of Nature?
The more remote we become from the Laws of Nature, the more we turn our attention to our personalised mind, our ego “I”. We very soon lose sight of the fact that Spiritual Practice is the responsible re-direction of Attention into the Spiritual Reality, not a further turning to our assumed personal reality.
Our tightly protected personal reality is each individual’s particular and peculiar suffering. In other words, each individual personal reality is the individual’s method of maintaining the sensation of separation from Life It Self. After all, whatever you personalise becomes your reality, your possession, your motive of defence. You become entangled in it.
Whatever is personalised becomes the individual’s “way of life”.
From this point of view (well, the point of view of this current modern nature-deficient culture/society) we humans become chronically dependent on other individuals to reflect back to us our worthiness, our attractiveness, our importance and aliveness. It is a life-less seeking loop that only generates more personal complexity and anxiety and self-defence strategies. Little wonder the vast majority of our so-called spiritual practices are fundamentally of a therapeutic nature.
However, Nature holds and gives us our True reflection and value. Nature is our Constant Companion. It is Nature that holds and shows us the most astonishing and resilient systems of Life; the human body is of that structure and organisation.
What does the Wisdom of Nature teach us? It is the undeniable and irreducible teaching and demonstration of, and evidence for the foundation of human community. True human community is a system based in Nature, the Laws of Nature, the Laws of Life. A human Wisdom Community is not a collection of “mind seekers” holding onto their personalised mind-sets albeit doing really good organic things.
The fundamental purpose and work of a True Human Wisdom Community is a Circumstance for Real Transformative Work - the Process of Spiritual Submersion into the Laws of our Spiritual Identity. Spiritual Immersion is the shedding of all that is “un-real” in order to enter into our Greater Body... the Body all Creatures and Plants inhabit. The Greater Body of Nature It Self.
Well, what is the difficulty with that? What is so hard to Understand? What stands in the way of our Sublime Surrender into our Greater Body Identity? Maybe it’s the life we are each trying to live, rather than embracing the Life that is already Living us and all.
Our Life can be a Sacred Affair in which our bodily Life will move through the changes and transformations relative to the Intelligence of Life or it can be consumed and degraded and rejected in all manner of human affairs and identities generated in the ego maniac mind.
There will only be True Surrender of the ego-self when the individual Lives the Understanding of Life, the Gift of Life. The Gift of Life that Lives their body-mind not the Life they are trying to live.
My Love, listen deeply to the Life that Lives you. We are far too much conditioned or educated into the idea and sensation of trying to live "our own life” rather than acknowledging and honouring the Life that is Living us. It has grown us, It sustains us, It provides all that is naturally necessary for our existence and the existence of all.
Be aware and understand the common endeavour of trying to live “my life” whatever that might be. It is the separate sensation of a “my life” that creates anxiety, self-doubt, competitiveness and the urge to control others. My Love be aware of how you can get squeezed between the two conflicting demands; the life society sets in your mind (the life you are trying to become) and the Life that your Bodily Nature’s Wisdom urges you to Live in every moment (the Life you already are).
I did not find My Self in the society - in the common endeavour. I found My Self in the Laws of Nature. I did not Realise the Self within the civilized laws, the social laws, the laws of religions and culture. I did not fight them; I committed them to silence in order to hear the Laws of Nature, the Laws of Life inherent in the body.
May you simply feel the pleasure of merely existing.
That is something lost to humans, who are always busy trying to make a life... trying to save themselves... trying to get happy... trying to be important.... trying to win someone’s approval.
May you enjoy the Love Reality that Your Bodily Form IS.
May You move in your own time... May you breathe in harmony with the Love you are... not with the tension of all the demands humans make on one another.
Oh, be aware young one, humans may have the "ability" to speak... to talk... but they have used silence and evasion and stand-over tactics when it comes to Real Understanding of their True Moral Obligation to Nature. Their True Human Obligations are generally not a comfortable conversation piece. It often seems there is never a good time for such uncomfortable discussions. Spiritual Practice provokes us, forces us to ask ourselves some very uncomfortable questions about our values, our traditions, our belief systems, our comfortable safe life.
Unless the human truly exists in and with their body’s always present, full natural harmony with Its own Earth Spirit Nature, their minds deceive them as to their motives and all relatedness. The human mind becomes a device of clever manipulation, devoted to the survival and interests of the presumed individual owner of the mind.
Beloved Heart, You are not here to meet the demands of others. Feel the Heart of You, Listen to the Heart of You.
Your Natural Heart will continue to Expand and Outshine all the affairs of human dilemma. May You always Abide as the Heart You are and thereby allow the body to Transmit Your unqualified Graceful Being
Stay close to Your Heart - Your Spirit Nature - and always listen deeply within Your Self.
We are all living in a time when self-transcending love, wonder and compassion for all Nature is our highest obligation.
All bodies are the Inheritance and Will of Nature. This body will wear out and dissolve into Nature. This body will naturally bequeath its Wisdom Elements into all Nature for the good of All.