From ‘Letters to a Young Beloved Heart’ 

Hold dear to Your Beloved Heart and all that is of your natural order. Fill your thoughts and feelings and body with the intuitive impulses of your inherent dignity, no matter how people relate to you. All your earthly natural love impulses enmeshed in your earthly body are more precious and mysterious and fulfilling than any socially contrived expectations.
— Sri Yanchiji

You are the Spirit and Nature of All. Always allow your self the time and space to perform the rituals, whatever they are, that restore your body/mind to its primary ancestral reciprocity with the Living Earth. 

Hold dear to Your Beloved Heart and all that is of your natural order. Fill your thoughts and feelings and body with the intuitive impulses of your inherent dignity, no matter how people relate to you. All your earthly natural love impulses enmeshed in your earthly body are more precious and mysterious and fulfilling than any socially contrived expectations. 

Do not be worried about feeling fear. Your business is not to do battle with fear. If you will listen deeply to what the life of you urges you to pursue, you will dig deep into your inherent human reserves and you will find the bravery necessary to obey the Heart. And, it is bravery that will outshine the fear. The fear will always be lurking around ready to ensnarl you, but it is the Heart’s bravery that outshines the fear, not you merely trying to get rid of fear. 

Consider deeply before you start believing and feeling you are a problem. You were not born a problem. You are never a problem. Strive for the Wisdom of your Heart, even when it contradicts the expectations of your friends and society. More important that you know your self, even if no others know you. 

Always reveal to the world the best of you, at every stage of your human development. And, the best of you is not necessarily what you know or what you have achieved, or how many people like you and so on. The best of you is the inherent inclusive Love that Lives you, and Lives all forms and all worlds. 

You are never alone. Remember this and pick up your human self-responsibility. 
Wherever you see someone who has stopped growing beyond who they seem to be, encourage them to keep growing into the unknown.