Community is the Communication and Growth of our self-sacrifice into Love.
“A Living Vital Community has less to do with keeping everyone happy than it does with sharing co-operative vulnerability, in order that every one of its members takes up Self-Responsibility. ”
A Community is a Living Communication between its adherents or all members of a species and it is greater than the parts.
It is not divided along lines of age, ethnicity, gender, knowledge, experience, worldly qualifications or the status of any particular person.
True Community has very little to do with the usual priority of ensuring everyone is happy but far more to do with vulnerability.
What is vulnerability? True vulnerability is the absence of status management.
What is status management? It is the constant concern about where am I in this? How important am I? How come my opinion is never taken up? Who’s the boss? Am I loved the same as that one? What position do I hold here and how important is it? And on and on. It is the argument for self.
What a pity most of our precious Life-Force goes into status management that blocks the flow of Unconditional Conversation for the sake of something Greater than all the individual parts. Human Community is a group of people, each of whom is sincerely involved in sacrificing the person-self for the sake of something far bigger than the person-self. In other words, the Way of Love or the Universal Being is the constant Living Law and Vital cohesion of the Community.
Being vulnerable is getting the static of status management out of the way for the sake of something Greater than our self.
A Living Vital Community has less to do with keeping everyone happy than it does with sharing co-operative vulnerability, in order that every one of its members takes up Self-Responsibility.
It is about real co-operation at every level and real co-operation is founded on real vulnerability, which is always risky, occasionally painful and always rewarding. It takes great courage. All of these characteristics are established on a keen awareness of the Higher Conscious Nature or Spiritual Nature of the project or task or endeavour.