Awakening is the Awakening of Consciousness It Self; the Lover
“The usual human being seeks the lover rather than Being already the Lover.
Why? Because Being already the Lover requires complete self-responsibility. It requires complete sanity. It requires Spiritual Fidelity. It requires the ascended emotional State of Being. It requires one to Be Fully Human. It requires the Passion of and for the Heart It Self. It requires You – not another.”
There is nothing about Spiritual Maturity that requires one to subdue, or do away with, the emotional faculty of the body/mind.
Spiritual-Realisation Sadhana is not about living without emotions. One might as well try and live without the physical or the mental. Well, oddly enough, some do try to live without the physical or mental dimension in their effort to ‘be spiritual’.
Spiritual Realisation Sadhana is the Process of Awakening the Fullness of the emotional Being.
The point is not emotional suppression, but, rather, emotional maturity. Ah, what is emotional maturity?
Some think it is a faithful or loyal version of emotional dedication, and even dependence, on another; the partner, and especially the ‘sexual partner’
My first ‘sexual partners’ were my parents. You are not shocked are you?
Perhaps you do not understand.
For the purpose of understanding Spiritual emotional maturity the term ‘sexual or bodily-based’ covers family as well as sexual partners.
As a child I was (and appropriately for that age) physically/emotionally attached to my mother and to some degree my father. I was the surprise outcome (among various other emotional complications between them) of their sexual dalliance. I am not Spiritually/emotionally attached at that stage of human development; that is a far greater emotional maturity stage; one that my dear parents had not entered into.
They became emotionally reliant on me behaving myself; making a good appearance and remaining loyal to the family codes and values and identity.
And, in turn I became emotionally dependent (or modified my emotional self according to their emotional requirements) on them.
This method of emotional modification fundamentally became the mode of my emotional operation within all relationships.
As an adolescent body/mind being, I, without realising it, referred to another person’s emotional attention towards me (especially when sex was involved) as a lover. And, well, of course, by similar reciprocation, I was her/his lover also.
My emotional faculty was not ascending to greater levels/stages of stability in Life; the Spiritual Reality. It was, by common arrangement retarded to the merely physical dimension.
I also began to observe how this emotional dependence on another (or conditions) could be shifted to someone else or something else.
After my mother’s husband (my father) died, her emotional dependence on him shifted to her offspring.
We have a need it seems, to place our emotional self-neglect onto something outside of our self and, at the same time, be the sole recipient of someone else’s emotional indulgence. There are all kinds of variation to the same method or theme. In any case, at some point, one wants and enjoys the ‘specific to one’s self’ emotional attention, however, there can also come a time when one does not want that from that particular person, because it has been replaced by another. Someone else has become one’s lover and the one who was a lover is no more.
To any profound student in Life the statement “we were lovers but now we are not lovers” is a confession of bodily- based emotional relatedness. In Truth, it is a confession revealing we were never lovers in the first place.
Within our early stages of human development we like another’s emotional attention/dependence. However, at the same time there is an Inherent Urge in every human towards Freedom, and yet, we continue to burden each other with the responsibility of what is essentially our own emotional immaturity.
Humans demand all kinds of concessions and exceptions and privileges and greater amounts of attention from the person they claim some kind of bodily connection with.
This can be brother, sister, wife, husband, mother, father and/or sexual lover. In any case, these are all bodily-based qualifications and modifications of one’s emotional state.
One’s emotional growth becomes limited to the bodily-based support system or method. It (the emotional state) becomes confined and retarded within the conventional bodily-based stage of life and therefore suffers all the slings and arrows of conditional life relatedness.
And yet, we obsessively cling to this way of emotional relatedness to others and the world. Perhaps we cling to it because it is a very convenient way of hiding our inner emotional immaturity.
We, quite plausibly (and without too much verbal agreement) come to all kinds of trade offs and mutual compensations, all justified within the conventional emotional support partnership. We, without thinking, place expectations on these ‘partners’ that we would not dream of placing on someone else.
Bodily-based ‘connection’ between each other seems to give each person within that ‘connection’ the right to say things and do things (often in the form of familiar and controlling expectations and presumptions) that one would not do or say to another person ‘outside’ the bodily-based connection.
Many who ‘come to me’ are still rigidly and determinedly fixated with this emotional relatedness conception; we become lovers when the sex begins or because we are sexual partners – a perception laid down in our childish and adolescent years of human development.
Spiritual Awakening is the Awakening of emotional dependence on Life or the Spiritual Dimension of existence.
Spiritual Awakening is the Awakening of Consciousness IT Self; Life.
Consciousness It Self IS the Lover.
The usual human being seeks the lover rather than Being already the Lover.
Why? Because Being already the Lover requires complete self-responsibility. It requires complete sanity. It requires Spiritual Fidelity. It requires the ascended emotional State of Being. It requires one to Be Fully Human. It requires the Passion of and for the Heart It Self. It requires You – not another.
I become emotionally upset when I see and feel your Spiritual infidelity.
I see people become emotionally distraught when they feel separated from their bodily-based partner.
I continually hear the bodily-based righteous shouting crowd vehemently preaching the morals of bodily-based infidelity.
I do not see them with the same emotional upheaval relative to their separation from Life-It Self.
I have come into this world it seems with the burden of Awakening the Lover.
One’s Bodily existence belongs to the Life that gave it Life. I (You) do not belong to anyone.
Let all Beings, all sentient creatures, function as they are without ownership, possessiveness and manipulation by anyone or anything.
May all Humans have the Real Heart to enjoy each other, and all sentient creatures, while at the same time leaving everyone and everything as it is.